The need for the former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobra to the Sejm by the police was a “fall of customs” – believes the former Minister of the Interior and Administration, and today the Government Plenipotentiary for Reconstruction after the flood of the flood Marcin Kierwiński (Civic Coalition). – Mr. Zbigniew, please always have a brush with you, because I think that you will soon go to these 30 days in prison – said the politician in the program “#bezkit” on TVN24.
Marcin Kierwińskithe former Minister of the Interior and Administration assessed that the Friday's actions of the police in connection with the detention and lead of Zbigniew Ziobro to the meeting of the parliamentary committee for Pegasus was “very professional” and Ziobra's behavior was focused on “political provocation”.
The guest of the “#bezkit” program said that the need to bring the former Minister of Justice to the Sejm by the police is an example of the “fall of customs”. – The former Minister of Justice, the former prosecutor general must be brought before the police inquiry commission. Ten years ago it was unthinkable. Those who held such honorable offices had some honor. Ziobro is not a penny of this honor – believes Kierwiński.
Read also: “It was minutes.” Ziobro “plays a spectacle”, but “you could wait a moment”
Marcin Kierwiński Tvn24
Kierwiński: The Commission chose the right strategy
When asked if he, according to him, did not end the meeting too early, without waiting for Ziobra, Kierwiński said: – I think that (members of the commission – ed.) They chose the right strategy. Ziobro is interrogated, Ziobro is obliged to appear before the Polish state organs, and the Sejm is an organ of the Polish state – said the politician.
– If he is late and disregards the justice system, if he does it in a more vile and arrogant way, then you need to use such methods that his cynical smile is erased. Hence this request for arrest – he assessed.
Kierwiński also turned to Ziobra. – Mr. Zbigniew, please always have a brush with you, because I think that you will soon go to these 30 days in prison – said TVN24 guest.
During the Friday meeting, the Commission voted for a order penalty in the form of a 30-day detention center for Zbigniew Ziobro. The MP may not be arrested without the consent of the Sejm, i.e. without lifting his immunity in a given case. The application to repeal immunity is addressed to the Sejm through the Prosecutor General. If the immunity is repealed, the application for the arrest will go to the court that makes the decision.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24