Mushroom season is in full swing. However, please remember that mushroom picking can be expensive – breaking the regulations can result in a fine of up to PLN 500. Moreover, the court may impose a fine of PLN 5,000 for collecting protected species.
In Poland, picking mushrooms is legal and free of charge, but when picking mushrooms, remember to follow certain rules, because breaking them may result in fines of PLN 500 or court penalties of up to PLN 5,000. zlotys.
Fine of PLN 5,000 for picking protected mushrooms
The highest fine that can be imposed is PLN 5,000. PLN for collecting protected mushrooms. According to the 2014 regulation, there are 232 species on the list. Such a high penalty can be imposed by the court. A forest or city guard can at most punish us with a fine.
Mushroom picking – fines
A fine of up to PLN 500 may be imposed for picking mushrooms in places where entry is prohibited. The permanent ban covers forests consisting of: forest crops up to 4 m high, experimental areas and seed stands, animal refuges, springs of rivers and streams, and areas at risk of erosion. Mushrooms are also prohibited from being collected in protected areas: reserves and national parks. The ban on entering military areas must be strictly observed.
A periodic ban on entry to forests owned by the State Treasury may also be introduced when: there has been destruction or significant damage to tree stands or degradation of the forest undergrowth, there is a high risk of fire, economic activities related to breeding, forest protection or wood harvesting are carried out.
It should also be remembered that the owner of a forest that is not owned by the State Treasury may prohibit access by marking the forest with a board with an appropriate inscription.
A fine may be imposed on people who clear up forest litter and destroy mushrooms or mycelium.
You can also receive a fine for littering the forest, destroying breeding grounds or nests of birds, burrows and anthills, injuring or killing a wild animal outside of activities related to hunting or forest protection, as well as for letting a dog loose.
When going to the forest, leave your car in a place marked as a parking lot or parking space. Cars cannot be left in front of barriers or on the sides of roads, even if they are permitted for traffic. Such action may make their use difficult.
For persistent or flagrant violations of the above regulations, guards may take the case to court, and then the costs of illegal mushroom picking may reach up to PLN 5,000. zloty.
Main photo source: Shutterstock