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Monday, July 1, 2024

Nitras: This would prevent the election campaign from moving to the government

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If we, as a coalition, managed to present one candidate in the first round, then in my opinion it would help the candidate, of course, but above all it would strengthen the coalition – said Sławomir Nitras, Minister of Sport and Tourism, about next year's presidential elections in “Fakty po Faktach”.

Minister of Sports and Tourism Sławomir Nitras (KO) spoke in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24 about next year's elections presidential. – We have three entities, three parties. Everyone has their own ambitions, that's understandable, but there is probably no study that would state that in the end it will be a different duel than between a representative of the ruling coalition and today's opposition – he said.

Sławomir NitrasTVN24

As he added, “if we, as a coalition, managed to present one candidate in the first round, in my opinion it would of course help the candidate, but above all it would strengthen the coalition.” – This would prevent the election campaign from moving to the government, because there is such a risk. So from this perspective, if someone wishes this government well, and I do, then trying to agree on a candidate is important from the point of view of the government coalition, the government – he said.

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Nitras: we get our money back

Sławomir Nitras also talked about the situation in the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. – We recover money that was spent contrary to its intended purpose, because this was the main purpose. At the Ministry of Sport PIS he used money belonging to athletes, children, for the election campaign, to promote his candidates for MPs. And we will consistently take this money away – he said.

– We have already ordered the return of six or seven million zlotys from various institutions. A decision regarding the European Games will be made shortly. There will definitely be returns there too, because the funds were used for purposes other than their intended use, this is a great accusation against Mr. (former head of the Ministry of State Assets Jacek – ed.) Sasin and all those who prepared these Games. They cost a billion zlotys and a lot of money was spent for purposes other than their intended use – he added.

Main photo source: TVN24

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