Panek announced an indefinite suspension of car rental service for minutes. The reason for the unexpected decision are unsatisfactory financial results as well as the growing insurance costs. “Car Sharing did not accept in Poland as assumed” – summed up the company.
Car Sharing service offered by Panek SA will be available until March 28, 2025. From that moment, only daily rental will be possible, on which the company now intends to focus.
“The suspension of this service is the next stage of the company's restructuring, which from 2000 is the main pillar of operations for cars for the day and on which the company will focus in Poland and Europe in the coming years. As key reasons for the departure from the service of sharing vehicles, the management of Panek SA, the management of It was written in a communiqué.
As emphasized, the costs associated with vehicle damage or theft of equipment components reached up to PLN 3,000 per month (at the fleet of 2,700 cars at the peak of the company's peak). “It was accompanied by a higher insurance rate than for the traditional rental, and on the other hand, the difficulty in proving clients with guilt with the damage caused” – he added.
According to Panek, “the lack of discounts in the paid parking zones for companies conducting this activity also had an important role in suspended car sharing.” “An additional factor was the high fuel prices, the purchase of which is made by the service operator and an increase in interest rates, increasing the costs of maintaining the fleet,” he was assessed.
– Thank you to everyone who has been using our service Panek Carsharing in recent years. This is a difficult moment for us, because for many years the idea of sharing has been particularly close to us and with this scope of activity we associated high hopes. Unfortunately, they did not translate into business realities. For the benefit of the company and clients, we plan to focus on this area of business, in which we started operating over 25 years ago, and thus renting cars per day and additional services related to this activity – said Maciej Panek, President Panek SA
Poles did not love the car sharing
The company pointed out that “Car Sharing did not accept in Poland, as was assumed.” “The difficult situation in the industry affected the vast majority of companies offering sharing vehicles in Poland. From a dozen or so companies operating before 2022, in the present only three operators (including Panek SA) remained active, with the largest of them limited the number of available cars, and the next changed the business model” – informed. It has been added that a similar situation is currently on the global market.
Panek SA's revenues began to decrease since the Covid-19 pandemic explosion. Years later, however, the results developed in the first years of car sharing operated in the first years of functioning.
The company announced that it will currently focus on original activities, i.e. the daily service of renting cars, as well as services accompanying this activity. – The suspension of the Car Sharing service and other restructuring processes are designed to improve the company's financial condition in the shortest possible time. In the future, we want to strengthen our position in the daily rental category in the markets where we are present, and later expand the activity with more Western European countries – said Maciej Panek.
The Panek Carsharing service has been available from July 2017. At the beginning only in Warsaw, to soon reach 250 cities in Poland.
Panek SA, founded in 2000 in Lubin in Lower Silesia, began its activity as a local car rental. Over the past 25 years, the company has become one of the leaders of the car mobility industry in Poland and Central Europe, offering rental services for minutes, short -term and long -term. Currently, the company focuses mainly on the daily rental of vehicles, cooperating, among others with airports, dealerships and the HoReCa sector. Panek SA also develops activities on international markets, operating in countries like Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany Whether Slovakia.
Source of the main photo: Shutterstock