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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Radom, Płock. Policemen train soldiers

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Soldiers serving on the Polish-Belarusian border are trained by police officers from prevention units, among others, in Płock and Radom. “Such practice allows for the transfer of irreplaceable knowledge and practice methods of protection against attacks using stones and knives, operating in battle formation, and the use of shields and gas throwers,” the release said.

– On Monday, June 17, instructors from police prevention units in Płock and Radom began training soldiers of the Polish Army. The aim is to properly familiarize soldiers with the tactics of individual operations and in compact units in the face of a hybrid conflict on the eastern border of the country – says in the press release. Aleksandra Calik from the Masovian Provincial Police Headquarters.

The training is intended to help soldiers serve on the Polish-Belarusian border

During the training, soldiers learn the technical specifications, legal aspects and techniques of using and employing means of direct coercion.

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SEE: Groups of migrants tried to cross the border by force. Stones were thrown towards the Polish services.

“They share experience gained during mass events”

– Police officers provide soldiers with knowledge on techniques and tactics of intervention against people illegally crossing the border and the use of smoothbore shotguns and non-penetrating ammunition – explains Subcomm. Aleksandra Calik adds that the police share many years of experience, gained, for example, while protecting mass events. – Such practice allows the transfer of irreplaceable knowledge and training with soldiers methods of protection against attacks using stones and knives, operating in battle formation, and the use of shields and gas throwers – emphasizes the subordinate. Aleksandra Calik.

Masovian police officers are training soldiers before serving on the Polish-Belarusian borderPolice

The training will continue in the following weeks and “will constitute an auxiliary base of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for military personnel serving in the border zone.”

SEE: Damaged police cars after the attack on the border. “They threw stones at the officers.”

Operation “Sluice” – a crisis caused by Lukashenko

The migration crisis on the borders of Belarus with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia was caused by Alexander Lukashenko, who is accused of waging a hybrid war. It involves the organized transfer of migrants to the territory of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. During over 28 years of his rule, Lukashenko has often threatened Europe with weakening border control.

Read also: Operation “Lock” – where did the planes to Minsk fly from? This is what emerges from the analysis of thousands of cruises

The operation of bringing migrants to Belarus from the Middle East or Africa in order to cause a migration crisis was previously described on his blog by Tadeusz Giczan, a journalist from the Belarusian opposition channel Nexta. He explained that the Belarusian services are conducting the “Sluice” operation invented 10 years ago. Under the guise of trips to Minsk and promising to transfer them to Western Europe, the Lukashenko regime brought thousands of migrants to Belarus. Then he transports them to the borders of EU countries, where Belarusian services force them to cross them illegally. This operation is still ongoing.

Aid organizations about the situation at the border

Organizations providing humanitarian aid on the Polish-Belarusian border claim that despite the change of government in Poland, the law is still being broken against migrants. They argue that they have documented cases of people being expelled abroad from Belarus who clearly asked for international protection in the presence of volunteers. During one of the press conferences, a drastic video made available by the Podlasie Volunteer Humanitarian Emergency Service was presented, showing a woman's limp body being dragged through a gate in the border fence and abandoned on the other side.

Aid organizations demand that the government restore the rule of law on the Polish-Belarusian border, pursue a border protection policy in compliance with international and national law guaranteeing access to the procedure for applying for international protection and compliance with the principle of non-refoulement, initiate administrative proceedings provided for by law against persons crossing the border, immediately stop violence at the border against people on the way and hold those responsible for the violence accountable.

Read more at tvn24.pl: Crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border

Main photo source: Police

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