Radosław Majdan he never hid the fact that he had a great relationship with his sons Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan. On social media, we have often seen how great the athlete gets along with Tadeusz and Stanisław. Now it turns out that teenagers can confide in their ex-husband Dody from every topic.
Radosław Majdan talks to Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan's sons about first loves?
Radoslaw Maidan he recently gave an interview to Plejada. During the conversation, the topic of Małgorzata-Rozenek Majdan's children from her marriage to Jacek Rozenek was raised. The former footballer shared his reflections on relationships with teenagers. He revealed that although conversations about new loves are not yet on the agenda, he is open to such topics. At the same time, the athlete recalled his youthful years. – They're not giving advice yet, because I also remember that I didn't run to my parents when I liked a girl. Tadek not yet, because he's a little ashamed, he's 14, and Stasiu is already a young man, he has emotions that he plays out in his own head. So far, there hasn't been any dilemma about whether he fell in love or not he knowswhat to do. Perhaps he is so mature that he knows what to do – admitted the footballer.
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Radosław Majdan revealed the plans of Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan's son
The eldest son Ma³gorzata Rozenek-Majdan – Stanisław has been studying at the Lumière Lyon 2 University in France for several months. Rados³aw Majdan in a recent conversation with Plejada revealed that the teenager is not only doing great in his studies and has made many friends, but also plans to live in a new place permanently. – Perhaps Stasiu will live there, where Małgosia's brother lives with his children, so perhaps this will be his fate – admitted the athlete in an interview with the website.