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Friday, October 18, 2024

Russia. The presenter showed a “damage map”. Potential target Poland

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Jewgienij Popow hosts the evening program “60 Minutes” on the Rossiya-1 channel. The Kremlin propagandist commented on the latest statement The White House about the location in Europe American long-range missiles. According to it Long-range missiles will be sent to Germany from 2026including hypersonic missiles, rockets SM-6 i Tomahawk.

Russia. The presenter pointed to a map of Europe

– It is not difficult to guess what the reaction will be if the short press release of the White House becomes a reality – said Yevgeny Popov. At this point a map of Europe appeared on the screen with marked countries. – If our missiles are in Kaliningrad, almost all European capitals may be at risk – the presenter pointed out.

– Berlin, Warsawall the Baltic countries, Paris, Bucharest, Prague. And of course all the American bases in Europe, like Garnisch-Partenkirchen, Rammstein, or Spangdahlem – he listed Jewgienij Popow.

The presenter paid special attention Great Britain. As he pointed out, in this country London, Manchester, Birmingham, Davenport military bases, Clyde Portsmouth and Chatham Dockyard are at risk. – In principle, three missiles are enough and this civilization will fall – Popov summed up.

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Russian presenter warns. Stanisław Żaryn responds

He commented on the event Stanislaw Zaryn, until 2023 Secretary of State in the Chancellery of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, currently Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland. On the X website, he said that “Russian propaganda is constantly scaring the world with a major nuclear war.” “At the same time, it is rebuilding and developing its arms industry, which suffered greatly in the war against Ukraine. The reconstruction is going faster than expected,” he indicated.

He added that “Russia is waging a massive information war against Poland and is strengthening hatred of the West in Russian society – propaganda programmes are already affecting preschool children.”

He stressed that the Russian doctrine assumes actions against the West on a much larger scale than the conquest of Ukraine. He noted that for Russian strategists we are a “buffer zone”which is key to securing Russia's interests in Europe. “Growing Russian potential for Polish is a disturbing signal“Russia poses a critical threat to us, given the plans the Kremlin has for Poland,” he wrote.

The advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland also criticized the first months of the functioning of the Polish government, which he accused of lack of action. “The Polish government should consolidate the country, urgently modernize the army, strengthen Poland in NATOmaintain strong and good relations with the USA and wisely manage Poland's security, including the secret services,” he wrote. He added: “It is hard to hope that the current government is a team that understands these tasks. The first months of the government's functioning Donald Tusk do not provide certainty that this is a government that meets the needs and challenges.”

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