“Sanatorium of Love” This is a program that enjoys the unflagging viewership of the seventh season. We follow the fate of seniors and we wipe our eyes in amazement from time to time. The TVP format leads invariably Marta Manowskawhich must keep his finger on the pulse. Especially when participants drown in emotions because of the behavior of one of them.
“Sanatorium of Love”. Edmund upset the patients
Participants spend time in Mikołajki – this is a new location in the program. Previous seasons were recorded, among others in Busko-Zdrój or Krynica Zdrój. Regardless of the place, it is worth taking care of a good atmosphere in the program. Unfortunately, in the seventh edition it is hard to find positive moods all the time. Some of the bodybuilder began to disturb Edmundwhich willingly talks about sports achievements. – How many times can you watch what a kettle is – We heard such a comment in the last episode when the participant presented a pose. – The group is disgusted and tired of Edmund. Girls are also tired of his tapping, adhere to love, etc. We look at it with such pity. I feel sorry for the peasant, “Stanley told. However, Marek from Czerniewice was the most irritable participant. – Edek, I'll tell you straight in the eye. Well, I don't like people who just play someone or talk all the timethat you get some ads, get money for contracts and you accost everyone on the way. Sorry, but you have to understand one thing that you are not the navel of the world – he said clearly.
“Sanatorium of Love”. Elżbieta wanted to alleviate the situation
One of the participants did not want to conflict, but to return to the cheerful atmosphere as soon as possible. -Dddie, maybe do something like that? First of all, do not talk so much about your awards, what was about, but focus on what is, that you want to meet us, you want to talk to us, but do not talk about what was and what is in your place of residence. Here we meet together and experience these moments together – said Elżbieta. What does Edmund himself say? I think he took criticism to heart. – Edmuś will probably think and he will go on Saturday. He will leave you here, do what you want. I wish you all the best – he said offended. Marta Manowska decided to act. Its purpose is to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the program, which is why she talked to Edmund. As a result of her actions, the participant apologized to patients. A “hundred years” participant was sung after the puns because he celebrated his birthday at the time. This gesture moved him a lot.