PiS politicians feel that the loop is tightened on their neck-said Aleksandra Leo from Poland in “on and” on TVN24 2050-way, saying that he was associated with Zbigniew Ziobra, Deputy Prosecutor General Michał Ostrowski, at the President's request The Constitutional Tribunal Bogdan Święczkowski, initiated proceedings regarding the “coup d'état”. – This is a political act – said Tomasz Trela from the new left.
President of the Constitutional Tribunal Bogdan Święczkowski announced that from his notification deputy prosecutor general Michał Ostrowski initiated an investigation into the “coup d'état”which the rulers would make. Jarosław Kaczyński He commented that he “adopted this initiative with satisfaction.” On Prime Minister Donald Tusk reacted.
Leo: They feel that the loop is tightened around their neck
The case was commented on in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24 Aleksandra Leo from the Third Road-Polska 2050 club and Tomasz Trela from the new left.
– I will quote the classic Antoni Słonimski here, who said: “The sinking ugly purses.” He paraphrased common aphorism – commented Aleksandra Leo.
– Law and justice politicians, people associated with this party, feel that the loop is tightened on their neck. For eight years they broke the law, they broke the constitution, now they shout that the same thing was done. They demolished the rule of law in Poland, they say that exactly the same is happening. They try to silly the whole situation and want people to get lost in all these legal tricks – she continued.
– Meanwhile, the truth is that every ministry is an affair. Or worse – an organized criminal group – she added.
Trela: This is a political act
Tomasz Trela said that the actions taken by Święczkowski, that is, “an organized action of an organized political and splendor group under the leadership of Jarosław Kaczyński.”
– Jarosław Kaczyński has three other institutions that he influences. It is a constitutional paratrabunal, the National Bank of Poland and National Broadcasting Council. And now he instrumentally used Mr. Święczkowski to make a bill with his party television and announce that there is currently a coup – he said.
– If Jarosław Kaczyński calls the Democratic rule of law, I am very curious, as if Jarosław Kaczyński was referred to eight years of rule and injustice, because we see what is happening every day – said a representative of the new left.
According to the MP, this is a “political laws” because – as he said – “Święczkowski from Kaczyński directs to Ostrowski from Ziobra a report of committing a crime, and this allegedly initiates the proceedings.”
A man of Zbigniew Ziobra
Ostrowski is one of the prosecutors who, together with others appointed in the times Zbigniew Ziobra The deputies of the Prosecutor General signed the statements critical of the new authorities. Together, they submitted a notification, which became the basis for the initiation by the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw an investigation into the exceeding of entitlements by public officials, including the Minister of Justice – the Prosecutor General, by taking unlawful actions aimed at dismissing Dariusz Barski from the function of the national prosecutor. At the end of December, the Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar He directed three of his deputies – Ostrowski, but also Robert Hernand and Krzysztof Sierak – to work in the branches of the National Prosecutor's Office.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24