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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Szymon Hołownia revealed how he would vote in the case of Zbigniew Ziobra. “We would be at the next stage”

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– It is not possible in such a insolent way, and while being a former minister of justice, to turn back to Law and Justice – said in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24 President's candidate Szymon Hołownia (third way), referring to the attitude of the former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobra. In the program, he passed on how he would vote in the Sejm over the request to repeal Ziobra immunity in the scope of order of 30 days of detention.

There was no questioning on Friday Zbigniew Ziobra by the Commission for PEGASUS. According to the court's decision, the police detained a MP to bring him before the commission, which took place after 10:30. However, because Ziobro did not appear at a time meeting – the beginning of the meeting was designated at 10:30 – the Commission accepted the application to initiate the procedure for applying a 30 -day detention penalty to him. On Monday, an application was sent to the prosecutor's office.

On Tuesday in “Facts after Facts” on TVN24 Szymon Hołownia He was asked how Poland 2050 would vote, of which he is a leader, if in the Sejm he would vote on the request to repeal the immunity of Zbigniew Ziobra in the scope of a 30 -day prison sentence. – We haven't talked about it at the club yet (…). However, I know how I will vote. I will vote for this conclusion. You can't mock you. You can't in such a insolent way, and while being a former Minister of Justice, to turn your back to Law and Justice – he said.

Piotr Kraśko, the host of the program, reminded the words of Hołownia, who He stated on Sunday that the Commission should wait for Ziobrawhich was late for her meeting, instead of initiating the procedure aimed at applying 30 days of prison against him, because it will take “weeks, if not months”. – Then there would be a chance that it would all last shorter. And this is my main goal – he admitted.

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Read also: “The price of disheamming to Ziobra will be a few weeks, if not months”

Hołownia: We would be at the next stage

Hołownia pointed out that during the interrogation of Zbigniew Ziobra, he probably would not have a promise as a witness, but “at least this act would take place and everyone would see what they were standing on.” – It could be recorded that he was evading the testimony and the submission of the promise. We would be at the next stage – he said.

The marshal also informed that on Tuesday evening he received from the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar Application for detention for Ziobra. – I immediately referred it to the formal assessment in the Sejm. Just as he had to formally assess it, this is how this procedure looks like. It will take two, maximum three days. Immediately after that I will send it to the regulatory committee and parliamentary matters – he said.

He stipulated, however, that the Commission would not be able to deal with this at the current sitting of the Sejm, therefore – if the appropriate report is prepared – voting in this matter will take place during the second meeting in February. – If we vote in these two weeks, I immediately forward documents to Adam Bodnar on the same day. He transfers them to the prosecutor's office, to court. So we are talking about weeks, not months – he noted.

Hołownia about the liberalization of abortion law

Szymon Hołownia pointed out that repairing the Polish judiciary and trials in the prosecutor's office, if you want to do it in accordance with the law, and not breaking them, it must take time. – Hence, I was always a supporter of the fact that regardless of whether (President Andrzej – ed.) Duda signs (the law – ed.) Or not, let's adopt, because whether he signs or not, this is his problem he said.

In connection with this, Piotr Kraśko asked the tribute about his earlier position on the law that would liberalize abortion rights. The marshal was to say then that due to the fact that the president would not sign her “there is nothing to do” and the only thing that he had divided into Duda was to carry out a referendum among Poles. – I am always looking for an effective solution. In given circumstances, in those that are (…). However, we are looking for a pragmatic solution. There was a different opposition here, there was a different story here – he replied.

Hołownia pointed out that the projects of two laws, i.e. The third road design and project about partial depenalization of abortion, They are in the committee. – I expect that the reports of these two laws will be in the Sejm at a plenary meeting as soon as possible. I would like it to be so, because I am of the opinion that the Sejm is to give people clear messages: “we adopted” or “we did not adopt and look for another solution”, not freeze things for months – he said.

Source of the main photo: Tvn24

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