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The lawyer posted fast driving videos on TikTok. There is a reaction from the disciplinary spokesman

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A legal advisor from Wrocław published on her TikTok profile recordings from inside a car traveling at up to 215 kilometers per hour. In one of the frames you can see the lawyer riding with a dog on her lap. The woman may even be banned from practicing her profession because her case is handled by the disciplinary spokesman of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors. In an interview with us, the lawyer assures that she did not break the law, but at the same time apologizes to “people who may have felt offended.”

Recordings from the TikTok profile of one of the Wrocław lawyers were published on the X platform by journalist Marcin Torz. The videos he showed suggest that the driver may have broken a number of road regulations – including significantly exceeding the speed limit. In addition, the woman “boasted” about her driving on social media.

One of the videos shows that the Mercedes is traveling at a speed of 205 kilometers per hour. It was most likely registered on a public road, but it is not known where exactly. However, the vehicle's display shows that the speed limit here is 120 kilometers per hour. If the system worked properly, the author of the recording exceeded the speed by 85 km/h. While driving, the woman holds a candy bar in one hand and a phone in the other, recording her driving.

Screenshots of recordings posted on the X platformx.com

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Another recording – also recorded by the driver's phone – shows that the car is traveling at 215 km/h. The display probably also shows the applicable speed limit, but it is illegible. The recording was recorded on a public road – a highway or expressway. However, it is not known whether in Poland.

The third recording, recorded this time by a passenger, shows a legal advisor from Wrocław driving a different car than in the previous two videos and driving through the city streets. Frames focused on a Mercedes driving almost neck-and-neck with this vehicle suggest that the drivers are competing to see who will be faster. It is difficult to assess the speed of both cars.

Disciplinary spokesman: we react to cases of ostentatious violations of the law

The legal counsel's self-government became interested in the lawyer's behavior. As Gerard Dźwigała, the Chief Disciplinary Spokesperson of the National Council of Legal Advisers, informed us, the case is being handled by the disciplinary spokesman of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Wrocław.

– Explanatory activities are ongoing. As in prosecutorial proceedings, explanatory activities are first carried out and then, if they indicate the likelihood of committing an offense, an investigation is initiated, he said.

– The disciplinary spokesman conducts an investigation and then serves as a prosecutor before the disciplinary court. If the court finds that the legal advisor has committed an offense, it may impose a penalty ranging from the mildest penalty in the form of a warning to deprivation of the right to practice the profession. It may also be, for example, a reprimand, a financial penalty or suspension of the right to practice a profession – emphasized Gerard Dźwigała.

– We react to cases of ostentatious violations of the law by members of our local government. I assume that the police will also deal with this matter, if not on their own, then perhaps even upon our notice. Committing an offense is one thing, but ostentatiously showing one's attitude towards breaking the law by a person performing a profession of public trust is something completely different – noted the Chief Disciplinary Spokesperson of the KRRP.

The lawyer denies the allegations but apologizes

The legal advisor from whose account the videos were taken (at the time of publication of the article they are no longer publicly available), confirmed in an interview with tvn24.pl that some of the recordings were made by her. Others – she did not indicate which ones – are not supposed to be her authorship. She also said that some of them come from foreign routes (e.g. v Germanywhere there is no speed limit) and from racetracks. She emphasized several times that, in her opinion, the purpose of publishing her recordings on the X platform is hate.

The lawyer, who did not agree to speak under her name, also emphasized that the recordings posted on the X platform were recorded even 2.5-3 years ago.

In response to detailed questions, the counselor informed that “the presented films are a compilation of various shots and come from various sources, from different places and dates, and the shots were matched to music and transformed using artificial intelligence.” She also stated that as a result of publishing the recordings on the X platform, both she and her relatives became victims of hate, that she received threats and that it aroused her fears.

“I have no penalty points, and I have never committed any traffic offenses that could result in losing my driving license,” the lawyer wrote. “I did not drive a car without seat belts on any public road, in the video both me and my passenger were wearing seat belts, and the shot with the dog was recorded in front of my house,” she added. “No one drove through a red light in any of the videos,” she added, referring to comments pointing to one of the fragments of the video. The video actually shows that the driver is already running through the green light.

“I am very sorry and apologize to people who may have been offended by TikTok videos, but I assure you that the videos were only edited in such a way that they were of an entertainment nature consistent with the idea of ​​TikTok,” the lawyer replied to our email.

However, the legal advisor from Wrocław did not comment on whether she was the one who recorded the videos while driving the car, or on the comment that the vehicle's display in one of the videos showed a speed limit of 120 km/h.

We also sent questions regarding the assessment of the recordings and possible consequences for their author or authors to the spokesman for the Wrocław police. We are waiting for answers.

Main photo source: x.com

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