“Naszaauto” is a new subsidy program that is to facilitate the purchase of an electric car. Electrics are cheaper to operate, but (still) the average price of buying a new car is much higher than combustion.
The government has created a program on the one hand to support the development of electromobility (we have a large rear in comparison to most Europe), on the other – because it had to. Still PiS in the Polish national reconstruction plan promised that a new one would be introduced tax down cars internal combustion. The government negotiated that there would be no new fee, but it had to do something in return – and this is something is a new electric car support program. Carrots instead of a stick, as the rulers argue. The question is how many will be tempted by this carrot.
– Subsidies for electric cars are needed and in general, it is good that they are continued. We historically see that they realistically affect the development of the sector. Unfortunately, however, the new “Naszaauto” support program will not bring a breakthrough on the market. Commercial companies have been excluded from support, which are responsible for most registration of new cars in Poland – says Dr. Eng. Maciej Gis from the industry organization Polish Association of New Mobility.
Michał Hetmański, president of The energy transformation of the Instrat Foundation, also critically looks at the shape of the program – although he sees his need. Because Poland, as he pointed out, is at an early stage of electromobility development. In 2024, 16.5 thousand were sold in Poland. electric cars – around 430 per million inhabitants, which is one of the lowest results in the EU. Last year, about 1,000 electricians per million inhabitants were sold in the Czech Republic, 4500 in Germany, and Belgium – 10 thousand
That is why – in his opinion, we need subsidies. – Our investment in an additional payment to an electrical car from the point of view of the bill for imported oil is returned in two or three years. And the money for charging stay in the Polish energy sector, and is not spent on imported oil – he said.
Funds from KPO can be wasted
The ministry advertises the program with the slogan “40,000 out of 4 wheels”, from the maximum amount of the subsidy that can be obtained. However, this is the maximum possible amount. In the case of purchasing by natural persons, it consists of basic support for PLN 18,750, PLN 10,000. bonus for scrapping an old car and PLN 11,250 for people with lower income (up to 135,000 gross).
In theory, this shape of the program is to lead to the removal of some of the oldest, most polluting cars from the roads, and ensure that not only the most wealthy will be able to afford an electrician. The question is whether the assumptions will work in reality.
– The amount of PLN 40,000 is undoubtedly good on paper, but in fact hardly anyone will get it – believes GIS. Why?
– Rather, few people will scrape the vehicle, then go to the living room for a new copy. It is similar with a bonus too low income. It is not rare that people deciding to buy a new vehicle have an annual income of up to 135,000. PLN, and even more so they had an old combustion car, which is more profitable to scrape (even taking into account the amount of additional bonus) than to sell on the secondary market.
Michał Hetmański sees one more problem here: potential abuse. “Just as the problem of incorrect use of funds in the Clean Air program appeared, so unfair practices may appear here to obtain a higher subsidy,” he warned.
A representative of the industry organization also sees another problem. – The target group of the program is too small. We focus on individuals and conducting sole proprietorships. Meanwhile, the main recipients of new vehicles (not only electric) are companies or commercial companies with car fleets – he says. The Ministry of the Climate explains that it does not want to co -finance large corporations, especially those that have their own environmental goals and plans to buy electric cars regardless of support.
However, Hetmański believes that the buying of cars by leasing and renting cars actually increased their availability for people who did not want or could not buy a car for cash.
GIS also criticized that the program did not include vans (category N1). – Urban logistics is an area of the market, whose electrification should take place first. Very often the price differences between electric and internal combustion vans are higher than in the case of passenger vehicles. Suspending the leasing path of the “My electrician” program meant that in the segment of new N1 electric cars we have noted a very clear decrease in registration – by almost 25 percent year on year – he said. So the subsidies will not benefit, e.g. micro -entrepreneurs with vans (some of which They are produced in Poland).
The effect of these factors will be – according to a representative of the industry organization – not using the money that was allocated to the KPO program. – A lot of money was allocated to “Naszaauto”. However, it must be realistically said that the real efficiency of using the budget will be low. And a large part of PLN 1.6 billion will be wasted – he assessed.
More cheaper electricians
The Ministry of the Climate is hoping that as part of the program it will be possible to support the purchase of 40 thousand. electric cars. It would be a considerable success for the industry in Poland, because according to data from the end of December 2024, a total of 80.7 thousand were registered in Poland. completely electric cars. However, the program will last until June next year (because we have to spend funds from the KPO at a certain time), meanwhile 16.5 thousand were registered throughout 2024 in Poland. electricians (and only some of them were bought by natural persons).
Maciej Gis praises that – after consultation, the maximum price of subsidized electrician was increased to 225,000. PLN net (without VAT). Earlier it amounted to 183 thousand. zloty. In his opinion, this “significantly limited the range of vehicles that could be supported by support.”
Hetmansk is of a different opinion, who criticizes the financing of the purchase of premium class cars. – Until now, such cars have actually been bought. But from this year the market has a very wide range of class electric cars from segments A to C – he pointed out.