Half a billion zlotys in the State Forests during PiS rule went on purposes that had little in common with the forest – sums up the minister of climate and the environment. In turn, experts summarize the current government on forests and remind you that they should not only stop at the settlements of the previous team.
Over the years, funds for pilgrimages, picnics and ads of their people were flying – he calculates and settles the predecessors of the Minister of the Climate and the Environment. – Solidarity Poland sat the State Forests in a similar style as the Justice Fund and made a party subsidy of it – says Paulina Henning -Kloska.
Half a billion zlotys – this amount was allocated from the State Forests for purposes, according to the minister, far from the forest. Millions were spent on the alleged promotion of the ethos of the forester's work. Most in the election year – almost PLN 32 million.
Expenses for the promotional activity of the State Forests in 2020-2023Ministry of Climate and Environment
The money was also paid for numerous foresters' pilgrimages to Jasna Góra, to the Vatican, their education at the Collegium Humanum and in the school of Tadeusz Rydzyk, i.e. at the Academy of Social and Media Culture in Toruń.
Dariusz Matecki, responsible for information in social media flowing from the State Forests, explains why he earned over PLN 350,000. – If a large part of foresters also have traditions related to the Catholic faith that they are going on a pilgrimage, they also developed this money to finance and finance Hubertusy, among other things (hunter's holidays – editor's note) – explains Dariusz Matecki.
The State Forests are notified, colleagues from the party defend him. “He is a young man”Katarzyna Skalska-Koziej/Fakty in the afternoon TVN24
Activists still have allegations of state forests
The issue of expenses in the State Forests is now dealt with by the prosecutor's office, to which 60 reports were sent on pseudo -elastic expenses. Meanwhile, in the forests, Piła does not quiet. The social forest planned in the Tri -City was to be free from them.
– State forests are a bit of an institution like the Teutonic Knights during the time of Konrad Mazowiecki. Their state is the most important – says Brunon WoÅ‚osz, president of the “Fidelis Siluas” Foundation. – State forests are, I have the impression that the state in the state. Next, the same people make decisions and are in their positions. (…) The most valuable stands are cut out in Poland – says RadosÅ‚aw Åšlusarczyk from “Studio for all beings”.
– I strongly deny that clippings in the areas indicated by the moratorium are carried out – assures Witold Koss, general director of the State Forests.
Meanwhile, Radosław Ślusarczyk shows photos from the moratorium covered, i.e. a temporary ban on clipping, forests in Świętokrzyskie.
– Despite many announcements that the forests will be reformed, that 20 percent of the most valuable forests will be free from clipping. Unfortunately, today the government of Donald Tusk is in the forest with forest reform. Instead of these 20 percent of saws free of saws, we only have about one percent – notes Marek Józefiak from Greenpeace Polska.
– The settlement of the previous PiS team is okay, but we should not stop there – adds RadosÅ‚aw Åšlusarczyk.
Source of the main photo: PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk