Today's weather. On Thursday 18.07 only locally there will be light, passing rain. The thermometers will show from 24 to 29 degrees.
Light and moderate cloudiness is forecast for Thursday. Light rainfall may occur locally in the northern provinces. Thermometers will show a maximum of 24 degrees Celsius in the Szczecin Lowland to 29 degrees Celsius in the Podkarpacie region. Light and moderate winds, occasionally stronger in the coastal zone, mostly from the west.
Biometeorological conditions – Thursday, 18/07
Humidity during the day will range from 50 to 60 percent. It will be warm or hot throughout the country. Biometeorological conditions will be neutral.
Today's weather – Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot
Residents Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot Thursday will be with small and moderate cloud cover. The temperature at the warmest point of the day will rise to 25 degrees Celsius. There will be a weak and moderate north-westerly wind. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1021 hPa.
Today's weather – Krakow
Thursday will bring Krakow small and moderate cloudiness. Thermometers will show a maximum of 28 degrees Celsius. The wind will be weak, it will blow from the northwest. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 991 hPa.
Today's weather – Poznan
Thursday in Poznan will be marked by small and moderate cloudiness. The thermometers will show a maximum of 26 degrees Celsius. There will be a weak and moderate, north-westerly wind. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1012 hPa.
Today's weather – Warsaw
In front of the residents Warsaw Thursday with small and moderate cloudiness. Maximum temperature will be 27 degrees C. North-westerly wind will be weak and moderate. Pressure fluctuates, at noon it will reach 1008 hPa.
Today's weather – Wroclaw
On Thursday in Wroclaw small and moderate cloudiness is forecast. Thermometers will show a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius. A weak, north-westerly wind will blow. The pressure is rising, at noon it will reach 1008 hPa.
Main image source: Shutterstock