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Friday, March 14, 2025

Unemployment indicator jump in Germany. Yes, it has not been for almost 10 years. Ż ± “firm operation”

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In January 2025, there were almost three million people (2.993 million) in Germany registered as the unemployed – said the Federal Labor Agency (BA). The number of part -time working people also increased, while the demand for labor is falling.

In January 2025 there were 186,000 more unemployed than in December 2024. Compared to January 2024, this number was 187,000. people higher. As a result, the unemployment rate increased from 6.0 percent in December to 6.4 percent in January. It is The highest level in almost ten years. The last time the unemployment rate was higher in February 2015 and amounted to 3.017 million.

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Demand for employees is falling

A rapid increase in January is typical for this time of the year, because many temporary employment contracts end at the end of the year, and the workplaces depending on the weather, such as in construction, are liquidated at that time. “Unemployment and incomplete employment increased significantly at the beginning of the year, as usual this month,” explained the boss of Ba Andrea Nahles.

But it is not only ordinary seasonal fluctuations that cause problems on the labor market. “Economic weakness leaves deeper traces,” Nahles said. One of the signs of this is the fact that the demand for working force is still falling. In January, 632,000 were registered at the Federal Employment Agency. free jobs. This is about 66 thousand less than a year ago.

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However, the number of short -term jobs has recently increased. According to the forecasts, in November 2024, 293 thousand employees received cyclical benefits for short working time. Compared to 263 thousand in October and 221 thousand in September. More current data is not available.

Employers: “Alarm signal”

The President of the Corporation of Employers Rainer Dulger called data on the labor market a “alarm signal”. He demanded “firm action”. “Fundamental rethinking of economic and social policy” is needed. The new government should create appropriate framework conditions. Dulger mentioned the reduction of bureaucracy, non -wage labor costs and more favorable energy prices. In his opinion, “then Germany will return to the path of growth” and only then will it be possible to change the situation on the labor market.

However, the labor market expert Martin Müller from the KFW Development Bank does not expect far -reaching revival this year. He explained that the average number of unemployed this year would probably be 2.9 million. It would be 100,000 more than in the previous year and Fourth height in a row.


The article comes from the website Deutsche Welle

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