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USA. Joe Biden on his fitness during the debate: I almost fell asleep on stage

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US President Joe Biden admitted Tuesday that he “almost fell asleep on stage” during last week's debate with Donald Trump, suggesting he was tired from traveling abroad in June.

67 percent of those watching the presidential debate in USA decided that he won it Donald Trumpand only 33 percent indicated Joe Biden – results from survey conducted on behalf of CNN. The debate increased Americans' concerns about Biden's age. Leading American media even suggested changing the Democratic party candidate.

See also: Poll: Most voters say Trump won the debate

Biden explained his poor performance during the debate during a campaign event with donors in McLean, Virginia, near Washington on Tuesday.

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– I decided to travel the world a few times shortly before the debate (…). I didn't listen to my aides and then I almost fell asleep on stage – said the president, quoted by journalists present at the event, apologizing for his poor performance.

– This is not an excuse, but an explanation, he added.

READ ALSO: Biden says I can still win the election

White House on Biden's cold

Earlier in Tuesday's press conference, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre explained that Biden had — and still does — have a cold and a sore throat. She denied, however, that the president was taking cold medication.

Biden made two trips to Europe in June, first visiting France on June 4-7, and later on June 13-15 Italywhere he participated in the G7 leaders' summit. Immediately after returning from Italy, he flew to Los Angeles. However, he spent the last week before the debate preparing for the clash with Trump at the presidential facility at Camp David in Maryland.

According to the New York Times, the president — like his younger aides — was so tired from the series of trips that the debate preparations were cut short by two days, which Biden spent at his home in the seaside resort of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. At Camp David, preparations began after 11 a.m., and he had time for naps in the afternoon.

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The daily also writes that although sources in Biden's circle usually suggest that the president is mentally alert, in recent weeks he has been increasingly prone to slip-ups, slips of the tongue, and downtime. His stay in Italy was supposedly “marked by moments of acumen in important meetings,” including the use of Russian assets to support Ukrainebut also moments when Biden seemed lost.

Main image source: PAP/EPA/EDWARD M. PIO RODA

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