The recently built bicycle path on Mrówcza Street in Wawer has been fenced with concrete barriers. As explained by the district representative, the path will be out of use until the route along the perpendicular Lucerna Street is completed. According to the schedule, it is to be ready in the summer.
We received a photo of a bicycle path fenced off with concrete barriers along Mrówcza Street from a reader who wonders why the path that appears to be ready cannot be used.
As we found out at the Wawer District Office, this solution is the result of a second, larger investment carried out nearby. The idea is to build a road for cyclists along Lucerny Street.
– Concrete barriers were erected in accordance with the approved permanent traffic organization design by the Road Traffic Management Office. This closure will last until a bicycle path is built in Lucerny Street – said Piotr Jaszczuk, head of the development and communication department at the Wawer District Office.
The path is scheduled to be ready in July
The contract for the construction of a bicycle path along Lucerny Street was signed in March 2024. The investment covers the entire street – nearly two kilometers from the Lublin Route to Patriotów. According to the concept, on the section from ul. Patriotów to ul. Węglarska, the bicycle path will be separated from the sidewalk. Further to the Lublin Route, a pedestrian and bicycle route will be created to limit tree felling. As part of this investment, a new bridge will also be built over the Nowe Ujście Canal. The facility is intended to enable the separation of bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
According to the schedule, the contractor has 16 months to complete the investment from signing the contract. Therefore, the bicycle path is to be ready in July.
Concrete barriers on the bicycle path
Author: dg
Main photo source: Artur Węgrzynowicz/