Weather for today. In many places in the country, Monday will be cheerful. However, showers of snow are not excluded. The maximum temperature will reach from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius.
Monday in the majority of the country promises to be cheerful, but locally can snow flight. In the south of Poland, there will be a big cloudiness, and snowfall will have a continuous character. The maximum temperature will be from 2-3 degrees Celsius in the Suwałki region, for 4-5 degrees C in the center, to 5-6 degrees C in Western Pomerania. Moderate and a fairly strong wind from the north will blow. It can accelerate to 40-60 km/h.
Biometeorological conditions – Monday, 17.03
Air humidity will reach 60 to 80 percent. It will get cold throughout the country and the weather will adversely affect our well -being.
Biometeorological conditions on
Weather for today – Warsaw
On Monday in Warsaw It will be cheerful, transient snowfall is possible. Thermometers will show a maximum of 5 degrees C. Northern, moderate and with a fairly strong wind. It can reach up to 40-60 km/h. The pressure at noon will reach 1008 hPa.
Weather for today – Tri -City
IN Gdynia, Gdańsk and Sopot A cheerful aura is expected on Monday. At times, flight snowfall may appear with a variable intensity. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 4 degrees C. A fairly strong, gusty wind from the north. It will accelerate to 40-60 km/h. At noon, the pressure will be 1028 hPa.
Weather for today – Poznań
IN Cognition On Monday, a cheerful sky is forecast. Poor and fleeting snowfall is possible. The maximum temperature will be 5 degrees C. Moderate and in gusts quite strong (40-60 km/h) the wind will blow from the north. At noon, barometers will show 1017 hPa.
Weather for today – Wrocław
Residents Wrocław They can expect many clouds with spreading and flight snow on Monday. The maximum temperature will reach 5 degrees C. Moderate and quite strong wind from the north will blow. In gusts it will reach 40-50 km/h. At noon on barometers we will see 1012 hPa.
Weather for today – Krakow
IN Krakow Monday will be marked by a cloudy sky with spreads and fleeting snowfall. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 3 degrees C. Moderate and quite strong, north wind. His gusts will accelerate to 40-50 km/h. At noon, barometers will show 995 hPa.
Road conditions on
Source of the main photo: Victoria Kondysenko/Adobestock