Weather for today. Monday 24.03 will be cloudy throughout Poland. Most of the country will show rainfall. On thermometers we will see from 9 to 15 degrees Celsius.
On Monday, the sky over Poland will be wrapped in bushy clouds. Moderate and large cloudiness will usually be accompanied by rain – it will not be rained only in Pomerania, Kujawy and the Gorzów region. In other regions it will fall to 5 liters of rain per square meter, more in Podkarpackie, to 10 l/sq m. In the Carpathians may appear storms.
The maximum temperature will be from 9 degrees Celsius in the Suwałki region, through 12 degrees C in the center of the country, to 15 degrees C in southern Poland. North-west, weak and moderate wind.
Weather forecast for
Biometeorological conditions
During the day, air humidity will range from about 70 percent in the northern belt of the country to over 90 percent in the southern, central and eastern regions. Thermal comfort will prevail throughout Poland, but it will be humid. Biomet will prove to be neutral, only in southern Poland the conditions will prove unfavorable.
Biometeo conditions on
Weather for today – Warsaw
IN Warsaw A cloudy Monday is forecast with fleeting rainfall. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 11 degrees C. Northwestern, weak and moderate wind will blow. Barometers will indicate at noon 999 HPa.
Weather for today – Tri -City
Residents Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot A cloudy Monday is waiting. The maximum temperature will be 10 degrees C. The wind from the northwest will be weak and moderate. At noon we will see 1014 hPa on barometers.
Weather for today – Poznań
Heaven above Cognition It will be cloudy on Monday, and showers will also occur. Thermometers will show 12 degrees C. From the northwest, a weak and moderate wind will blow. The pressure will be 1002 hPa at noon.
Weather for today – Wrocław
In Wrocław Monday promises to be cloudy. Rain falls briefly during the day. The temperature will rise to a maximum of 14 degrees C. The wind will be northwest, weak and moderate. Barometers will indicate 997 hPa at noon.
Weather for today – Krakow
On Monday in Krakow Clouds and rain will control. On thermometers we will see to 15 degrees C. Weak and moderate wind will blow from the northwest. At noon, the pressure will reach 985 hPa.
Source of the main photo: Adobe Stock