Weather for today. The sky all over the country on Saturday 1.02 will be obscured by clouds. At times it can check. Locally, rain or snow rain will occur.
On Saturday, a cloudy sky with clearings and dissolves is expected all over the country. In some regions there may be weak and fleeting rainfall. Rain with snow is possible in the east. The sum of rainfall should not exceed a liter of water per square meter. The maximum temperature will be from 3 degrees Celsius in the east of Poland to 5 degrees Celsius in the west. A weak and moderate wind will blow from the northwest. Only in the north -east his gusts will accelerate to 40 kilometers per hour.
Biometeorological conditions – Saturday, 1.02
Air humidity will be 70-90 percent. We will feel the cold throughout the country, and the weather will adversely affect our well -being.
Biometeorological conditions on
Weather for today – Warsaw
Saturday will bring us a cloudy sky with clearings. Umbrellas will not be needed. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 4 degrees C. Moderate from the northwest. The pressure at noon will be 1016 hPa.
Weather for today – Tri -City
IN Gdynia, Gdańsk and Sopot It will be cloudy on Saturday, but at times the sky can spread. It shouldn't rain. Thermometers will show a maximum of 5 degrees C. Moderately blows from the northwest. At noon, the pressure will reach 1027 hPa.
Weather for today – Poznań
Residents Cognition A cloudy Saturday is waiting. However, there will be a chance to show off. Precipitation is not forecast. The maximum temperature will reach 4 degrees C. The wind will be moderate and it will blow from the northwest. At noon on barometers we will see 1019 hPa.
Weather for today – Wrocław
On Saturday in Wrocław clouds will occur. It shouldn't rain. The maximum temperature will be 5 degrees C. It will blow poorly and moderately from the northwest. At noon, barometers will show 1016 hPa.
Weather for today – Krakow
IN Krakow On Saturday, clouds and lack of rainfall are forecast. Thermometers will show a maximum of 3 degrees C. Weak and moderate wind wind will blow from the northwest. At noon, the pressure will reach 1004 hPa.
Road conditions during the
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