Weather for tomorrow, Friday, 31.01. A poor rain falls at night. The day will bring the rainfall wandering over the country. Thermometers will indicate a maximum of 11 degrees.
The upcoming night will be cheerful in the south, east and center. In the remaining area of the country, cloudy to large and total will increase and weak, moderate and continuous rainfall with a intensity of 2-10 liters per square meter will occur. The minimum temperature will be from -1 to 0 degrees Celsius in the south -east to 3-4 degrees Celsius in northwest Poland. A weak and moderate wind from southwestern directions will blow.
Night weather
Weather for tomorrow – Friday, 31.01
On Friday, the sky above Poland will be covered with clouds, although the dissolution will appear (in the east to the afternoon it will still be cheerful). A total closer zone with weak, fleeting rain (1-2 l/sq m) will move from the west to east, and in the belt of northern Poland with continuous rainfall (5-10 l/sq m). Snow with rain may fall locally. Thermometers will show a maximum of 4-5 degrees C in the north and west, through 6-7 degrees C in the center of the country, to 9-11 degrees C in Podkarpacie. The wind will be moderate, in gusts quite strong, southwest, turning to the west.
Weather forecast for
Biometeo conditions
Air humidity during the day will be 70-95 percent. In the most part of the country it will be cold, only residents of the south-eastern and eastern regions will feel thermal comfort. Biometeo conditions will be unfavorable, only in the south -east – neutral.
Biometeo conditions on
Weather for the night – Warsaw
Residents Warsaw A cheerful night is waiting, without rainfall. On thermometers we will see 3-4 degrees C. Moderate wind will blow from the southern directions. The pressure at midnight will be 1007 hPa and will fall and then increase.
Weather for tomorrow – Warsaw
During the day there will be moderate cloudiness increasing to large and total. In the afternoon there will be poor rainfall. Thermometers in Warsaw will show a maximum of 6-7 degrees C. The wind will be moderate, southern turning to the west, in the second part of the day in gusts – strong. The pressure at noon will be 1008 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Tri -City
The next night in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot It will bring a cloudy aura with poor rainfall with breaks. On thermometers we will see a minimum of 4-5 degrees C. Moderate wind from southwestern directions will blow. The pressure at midnight will be 1016 hPa and will fall and then grow.
Weather for tomorrow – Tri -City
It will also be cloudy on Friday. Poor, temporarily moderate rain and rain with snow will occur. Thermometers in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot will show up to 5-6 degrees C. Moderate wind will blow from western and northwestern directions. The pressure at noon will be 1020 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Poznań
At night, the sky above the capital of Greater Poland will be covered with clouds. Cloudy will increase to total. In the morning in Cognition Light rain may appear. Thermometers will indicate 4-5 degrees C. Moderate, southwestern wind. The pressure at midnight will be 1007 hPa and will fall, then increase.
Weather for tomorrow – Poznań
Friday in Poznań will bring a cloudy aura with weak, temporary moderate rainfall and snow rain. The maximum temperature will be 5-6 degrees C. The wind will be moderate, in gusts quite strong, western. At noon on barometers we will see 1014 hPa, the pressure will increase.
Weather for the night – Wrocław
Residents Wrocław A cloudy night is waiting, and in the morning heaven's rain. Thermometers will show 2-3 degrees C. The weak and moderate wind from southwestern directions will blow. The pressure at midnight will be 1004 hPa and will fall and then increase.
Weather for tomorrow – Wrocław
During the day it will be cloudy with dissolution and weak, fleeting rainfall. On thermometers we will see 5-6 degrees C. A moderate, western wind will blow, which will be quite strong in gusts. The pressure at noon will be 1011 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Krakow
The night from Thursday to Friday will be cheerful, without rainfall. Thermometers in Krakow They will indicate to -1/0 degrees C. The weak wind will blow from southwestern directions. The pressure at midnight will be 993 hPa and will hesitate.
Weather for tomorrow – Krakow
During the day, moderate cloud cover will grow to large and total. Cloudy aura will be accompanied by poor, fleeting rainfall in the second part of the day. The inhabitants of Krakow will see moderate, southwest on 6-7 degrees C. Wind pressure at noon will be 995 hPa and will increase.
Road conditions on
Source of the main photo: Brian Clement/Shutterstock