Weather for tomorrow. On Tuesday, 28.01. An extremely warm day for this time of year is waiting for us. Thermometers will show up to 13 degrees Celsius. Locally it may fall poorly.
The next night will bring cloudiness from the small one in the southeast to large and total, in the north and west. In these regions, weak and moderate rainfall up to 1-3 liters of water per square meter are forecasted. The minimum temperature will be from 1-2 degrees Celsius in the east and south to 5 degrees Celsius in western Poland. A moderate, southern wind will blow, strong in the mountains, in gusts reaching speed up to 50-70 kilometers per hour.
Night weather
Weather for tomorrow – Tuesday, 28.01
It will be cheerful in the southeast of the country. In other regions there will be a large cloudiness, and in the West there will be rain to 3-6 l/sq m. In the morning, poor rain may also fall in the northeast of Poland. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 7 degrees C in the north of the country, for 10 degrees C in the center, to 13 degrees C in Podkarpackie. The wind will be southern, moderate, quite strong in the mountains, in gusts blowing at speeds up to 50-70 km/h.
Weather forecast for
Biometeo conditions
Air humidity will range from 70 to over 95 percent. The heat will be in south-eastern Poland, in other areas we will feel thermal comfort. Biometeo conditions will be unfavorable in the northwestern part of the country, neutral in the center and east, and in the south -east – favorable.
Biometeo conditions on
Weather for the night – Warsaw
The upcoming night will bring a lot of clouds that it will not rain. Thermometers in Warsaw They will indicate a minimum of 3 degrees C. Moderate and southern wind will blow. The pressure at midnight will be 993 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Warsaw
During the day it will be cloudy with clearings and dissolution. It should not rain. The inhabitants of Warsaw will see on thermometers up to 10 degrees C. Moderate wind will blow from southeastern directions. The pressure at noon will be 990 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Tri -City
Night in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot It will bring a cloudy aura with poor rainfall. The minimum temperature will be 4 degrees C. Moderate and quite strong shed from southern directions will blow. Barometry at midnight will show 1002 hPa, the pressure will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Tri -City
The inhabitants of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot are waiting for a cloudy Tuesday with clearness and poor rainfall at the end of the day. Thermometers will show a maximum of 7 degrees C. The wind will be moderate, southern and south-east. The pressure at noon will be 1000 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Poznań
Heaven above Cognition It will be covered with clouds. Poor and moderate rainfall will appear. On thermometers we will see 4 degrees C. Moderate wind will blow from the southern directions. The pressure at midnight will be 992 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Poznań
It will also be cloudy during the day. There will be clearings and low rainfall in the afternoon. Thermometers in Poznań will show a maximum of 8 degrees C. A weak, variable wind will blow. The pressure at noon will be 988 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Wrocław
Next night in Wrocław It will bring a lot of cloudiness with poor rainfall. Thermometers will indicate a minimum of 4 degrees C. Moderate wind will blow from variable directions. The pressure at midnight will be 991 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Wrocław
During the day it will be cloudy with clearings and poor rainfall. Thermometers in Wroclaw will show up to 8 degrees C. A weak and moderate wind from variable directions will blow. The pressure at noon will be 984 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Krakow
The approaching night will be cheerful, without rainfall. Thermometers will show a minimum of 1 degree C. Wind in Krakow It will be weak, south-east. The pressure at midnight will be 980 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Krakow
Tuesday in Krakow will bring a cheerful aura, without rainfall. Thermometers will show up to 13 degrees C. Weak and moderate wind will blow from southeastern directions. The pressure at noon will be 974 hPa and will increase.
Road conditions on
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