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Winter will return to Poland. “The temperature will fall to the neck”

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Winter will return to Poland. Arleta Unton-Pyziołek from tvnmeteo.pl presented the latest forecasts at the beginning of February. The expert expects significant cooling, as well as snowfall. How long will winter stay with us?

However, there is a chance for a winter episode of several days in Poland. The North Atlantic Oscrelation indicator (otherwise Nao; is a phenomenon that occurs in the North Atlantic, and its consequences affect the climate of Europe) twists slightly into less mild air circulation, in the models the sinus of cold is drawn to the sinus spilling from Russia deep into Europe, because the Russian high Assault on the European Spring in January. However, it will not last long.

A cold wave in Europe, visible in forecasts around February 6, temperature in the morning at the ground Gfs/climatereanalyzer

Winter will come back. The bay of cold will be overwhelmed

A strong increase in the NAO index visible a few days ago. Although the forecast is still in the range of positive values, which means a fairly mild winter on the horizon, something has happened in the air circulation. The joyful procession of spring and the influx of air masses from the west and south over central Europe is to be inhibited for a moment.

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Forecast of the North Atlantic Oscrelation indicator – inhibited growthNoaa

In the American GFS model you can see the refrigeration bay, specifically temperature values ​​of -10/-12 degrees Celsius at a height of 1.5 kilometers above Poland. The cold is to penetrate in the first week of February from the Russian Arctic. Initially, the pouring air mass is to have a lot of sea features, which means a few days of wet, cloudy with snowfall. However, all of the moderate intensity.

Forecast refrigeration bay on February 2, temperature at a height of 1.5 km (850 hPa) Gfs/wetter3.de

Why such a turn in the weather? After the end of January, the temperature in southern Poland is to rise to 10-12 degrees. Well, the winter of Gilles, which is developing over the North Atlantic, at the gate of the Arctic. In the following days, it is to move slowly over Scandinavia towards northern Russia, and then dive into our regions of Europe. Around February 2-3, the center of Lowland Gilles is to wander over Belarus and Poland towards the Balkans. This is important because this vortex is to drag cold air masses from the far north. After his travels, the Russian WyĹĽe will get a chance to act.

A drop of coolness over Poland February 3, the cold is clearly visible at a height of 5 km (500 hPa) Gfs/tropicaltidbits.com

Such a turn of the matter will bring clear cooling in our country. Due to the fact that around 5-6 February, the temperature at a height of 1.5 km will drop below -10 degrees Celsius, with the support of night dissolution, in places at the ground in our country we can record a frost of up to -15 degrees. Will it drag on? The cold entrance from the north will be accompanied by a large cloudiness with rainfall passing into wet snow on Saturday and Sunday. It does not seek heavy rainfall, but up to 2-4 centimeters on Sunday and Monday (February 2-3). Poland can get around A thin layer of snow, and greater rainfall is forecast only in the mountains.

The forecast snow cover in Polandtropicaltidbits.com

Winter in Poland. How long will it be cold?

After transfusing this cold, moist zone on the cold's forehead, cloud cover should be impressed in the following days and at night reveal the starry sky. The heat will run away in non -inflicting in cosmosand the air temperature at the ground fall on the head. On Wednesday and Thursday morning (January 5 and 6) it is to be particularly cold in southern Poland. When the cloudy arctic than goes south, in its place, the wage wedge will squeeze. The Russian WyĹĽy is to rush towards Central and Western Europe, creating conditions for pouring cold to the Mediterranean coast. Meanwhile, Gilles's lowland vortex lying on the Black Sea is to press heat over Eastern Europe. That is why around February 9 it will get warmer from France to Poland again, and the cold is to sleep only over Russia.

Cold on February 5 in the morning, temperature deviation forecast from the norm GFS/TROPICALTIBITS

Also in the forecasts of the European Center of Medium -term weather forecasts (ECMWF) you can see a small breach in warm estimates until the beginning of March. In the period from February 3 to 9, the temperature deviation from the norm is to return to normal in Poland. Well, in the west and south of the country it should be as it should be in February – cold. Later, however, the forecasts return to a friend, mild track. In the second decade of February, the early spring returns.

Temperature forecast in the standard between February 3 and 9 in the west and south of PolandECMWF

Author/author:Arleta Unton-Pyziołek

Source of the main photo: Adobe Stock

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