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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Wyszkow. Police officers stopped a motorcyclist traveling against the flow of the expressway

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Police officers from Wyszków stopped a motorcyclist moving against the flow of the expressway. The driver turned out to be a Frenchman who wanted to get to the nearest gas station, because the bus he was traveling earlier ran out of fuel.

The press officer of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Wyszków, Damian Wroczyński, said that the incident took place on Monday on the S8 route. A police patrol spotted a cross-country motorcycle going the wrong way in the emergency lane. “The uniforms immediately stopped the two-wheeler for roadside inspection. The driver turned out to be a 56-year-old French citizen. After checking the vehicle, it turned out that it was a sports motorcycle and was not approved for traffic,” Wroczyński described in the release.

“He ran out of fuel”

During the conversation with the foreigner, the police determined that the man was traveling by bus and ran out of fuel. Then he decided to unpack the transported motorcycle and go to a nearby gas station.

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“The policemen helped the Frenchman safely reach the bus. The policemen informed the driver that driving inconsistently with the direction of traffic on the expressway is not only an offense, but above all, it is a deadly threat not only to him, but also to other road users,” Wroczyński said.

The Frenchman also received a fine for driving on a public road with an unauthorized vehicle and driving the wrong way on an expressway.

What to do when you drive the wrong way on the expressway?

Police officers remind you that if a driver enters a motorway or expressway against the flow of traffic, he should not continue, putting himself and other road users at risk. He should: stop in a safe place, turn on the hazard lights and call the road service or the police.

Read also: The 78-year-old drove against the flow of the expressway. “He couldn’t get off.” Recording

The driver was driving the wrong way on S7 near Pasłęk

Main photo source: KPP in Wyszków

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