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You won't find these holidays in the Labor Code. And s. It's worth remembering these three options

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The provisions regarding employee leave are regulated in detail by the Labor Code, but they are not the only source of law in this area. The rules for granting and using leave may also be specified by regulations and laws.

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Leave for a holiday of another religion is included in the law

The Act of May 1989 on the Guarantees of Freedom of Conscience and Religion includes a holiday for a holiday of another religion. What does it consist of? Namely, an employee who belongs to another religion cat or a religious association whose religious holidays are public holidays, may receive a day off. This will happen after submitting an application to the employer at least 7 days before the date of the holiday – reminds “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”. The employer should notify the employee about the conditions for making up the absence no later than 3 days before the planned day of absence. This type of leave is marked in the work time records as an excused unpaid absence.

Members of the district or territorial electoral commission also have leave

Another leave not included in the Labor Code can be found in the Labor Code. electoral. One of its articles states that a member of a district or territorial election commission is entitled to leave from work on the day of voting and counting votes, as well as on the day following the day on which the counting of votes is completed. If the elections are held on Sunday and it is also the employee's day off, then leave for that day is not due. However, if it is a working day, the employee is entitled to take leave. As for the counting of votes, if the commission ends it on Monday, then the employee is entitled to a day off following the completion of the counting procedure. Such leave is recorded as a paid excused absence. The employee must notify the employer of such leave at least 3 days before the day on which the elections are held.

A day off for donating blood

The Public Blood Service Act includes a leave of absence from work for honorary blood donors. Leave from work is granted on the day the employee donates blood, as well as on the following day and for the period of a periodic medical examination of blood donors. This situation applies only to donating blood or its components for medical purposes. What should an employee do if they want to take leave for honorary blood donors? First of all, they should inform their employer in advance – however, the deadline in this case is not regulated. After donating blood, the employee must present the company with an appropriate certificate issued by the blood donation station. Absence from work for this reason is treated as justified and paid.

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While on vacation, it is worth mentioning that “Solidarity” recently put forward a demand to extend it to 35 days. vacation leave. Currently, an employee is entitled to up to 26 days of leave, depending on the length of service. Such a bill has already reached the desk of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, Agnieszka Dziemanowicz-Bąk. Trade unionists remind, among other things, that the current amount of vacation leave has not changed for 50 years. “The current regulations date back to the 1970s and the entire long-term economic growth of Poland has not translated into any progress in the amount of vacation leave,” argues “Solidarity”.

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