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Friday, July 5, 2024

Żyrardów. They thought someone had hit the cat and it was basking in the sun.

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The Żyrardów City Guard received a report of a cat lying motionless on the sidewalk. When the guards arrived, it turned out that the cat was simply resting in the sun.

According to information published on Facebook by Żyrardów guards, last Friday one of the city's residents reported that a cat had been hit on Mireckiego Street and was already being pecked by crows. They assured that the information from the report was forwarded to a veterinarian in order to provide assistance to the animal. However, the guards on site stated that the cat was resting, walking and in good condition, and the veterinarian was informed about it.

The cat wanted to play, then he got up and walked away

When asked in the comments under the post how they assessed the animal's condition, the officers clarified: “When the guards leaned over the cat, the animal reacted as if it wanted to play with them. Then it got up and walked away. The cat was simply resting, basking in the sun.”

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Comments also indicate that the ginger and white cat is already well-known in the area. “I just walked by and it's lying upside down sunbathing,” one resident wrote on Tuesday evening.

According to others, the cat also visits a nearby kebab shop.

Main image source: Municipal police in Żyrardów

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