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6 Tips When Playing Early Position in Poker

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The position you play your hand from has the power to make or break the deal for you. Whether playing poker at a late position, middle position, or early position, each has its advantages and disadvantages. As a result, it is crucial to play by your table position.

We’ll explain the early position in this piece and how to play your hand when you find yourself in it.

What is the Early Position?

Depending on the round you play in a specific poker game, you may be in an early position. For instance, in a game of Texas Hold’em, the small blind, the big blind, and the player directly to the left of the big blind are all considered early positions. In reality, the number of early positions can rise even higher at a large table with 10 or more players.

Playing from an early position in most game variations doesn’t provide much benefit. It’s just that you have no idea what the game’s upcoming players will do. You are the first to move, and the other players respond to your action and, naturally, to their hands. However, this does not necessarily imply that playing from an early position will result in a loss. Even from this position, several strategies ensure you move well.

How to Play When You are in the Early Position?

Play tight and aggressive

It is essential to play tight and aggressive when in an early position. It means that you should only play with solid hands and be aggressive when you play. The reason for this is that early-position players have a disadvantage. They have less information about the other players and the board than the later players do. As a result, they are more likely to make mistakes. Playing tight and aggressive, early-position players can minimize their errors and save some of their poker chips.

Photo by david-k from Pixabay

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Raise with strong hands

It is advisable to raise with strong hands. Doing so narrows the field to opponents with better hands than yours. In addition, raising in an early position also gives you more information about the strength of your opponent’s hands. If they call your raise, they are likely to have a decent hand, giving you valuable information you can use to make better decisions later. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and there may be times when it is correct to call or fold in an early position.

Bet for value

You should bet when you have a good hand and fold when you have a bad hand. When you’re in an early position, it’s essential to bet for value. It is because there are still a lot of players yet to act. However, if you have a weak hand and everyone else bets, you’ll be forced to either fold or call and risk losing a lot of money. Therefore, it’s essential only to bet when you’re in an early position if you have a good hand. Otherwise, you should wait to see how the other poker players act before deciding whether or not to bet.

Stay disciplined.

Early position means you are one of the first players to act on a hand. It can be a disadvantage because you have less information about what the other players have. However, it can also be advantageous because you can set the tone for the hand. If you stay disciplined and only play strong hands, you will force the other players to either match your level of play or fold.

Photo by La_Caverne_Du_VFX from Pixabay

Pay attention to your opponent’s action.

Being in an early position means you have to act before most of the other players at the table, which can put you at a disadvantage. But you can find a way to use this: to pay attention to your opponents’ tendencies. If they tend to be tight, they will probably only bet when they have a good hand. It means you can be more aggressive and bet even if you don’t have a great hand.

On the other hand, if your opponents are loose, they are more likely to bet even if they don’t have a great hand. In this case, you should be more cautious and only bet if you have a strong hand. You can adjust your play style by paying attention to your opponents’ tendencies.

Be aware of the odds.

When in an early position, you have less information about the other players’ hands, and you’re more likely to be forced to make difficult decisions. As a result, you should be aware of the odds when in an early position.

The most important thing to remember is that you’ll usually need a stronger hand to win when in an early position than when in a late position. For example, if you’re in an early position with a hand like A-10, you might want to fold if someone in a late position raises. However, if you’re in a late position with the same hand, you can call or even raise yourself. Knowing the odds can help you make better decisions when in an early position and improve your overall poker game.


Being at the early position on the poker table can be pretty intimidating for beginners because they are still learning to improve their strategies. But it is also an opportunity to learn and become good at the game. It is best to try all positions in poker so you can improve your skills. To do this, you must practice constantly. Visit GGPoker, the world’s largest poker room, to play different positions and learn how to develop your techniques. Sign up at GGPoker today!

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