800 plus addicted to vaccinations? This solution was suggested by, among others Journalist Aleksander Ptak-Iglewska. Demands that 800 plus also submit a vaccination declaration to prevent children's diseases. President Paweł Grzesiowski was asked about this. – It is difficult to discuss this subject, because there are different solutions. However, they must be lawful – he replied, somewhat evasively. – If we start receiving what has been guaranteed by every citizen, we must have social consent, parliament and president. The proposed solutions should take into account various ideas and methods of action so that they are effective, not just repressive – he added.
Penalties do not work? There are already penalties for evading compulsory protective vaccinations, including diphtheria. You can receive for failure to get a child up to PLN 1,500 penalties. Law and practice, however, in this case is two different worlds. – We have a complicated procedure for enforcing penalties for avoiding vaccinations by parents. It is a typical mechanism for state administration, which often ends with many years of court proceedings – sometimes lasting several years – said the head of GIS.
What instead of punishment? – The current form is ineffective. Although parents are punished for not having children, enforcement of penalties in practice does not take place, and after the child achieved the age of 18, the case is discontinued. This mechanism has low effectiveness: only 5-7 percent parents change their minds under the influence of a fine. We need to change the system – emphasized Paweł Grzesiowski. – Penalties are not the main mechanism that prompts people to vaccinate. Close to contact with families that do not vaccinate is crucial. Many people refuse vaccination due to fear caused by disinformation. You need to unload this fear, because parents are afraid that their children can get sick – he added.
It gets dangerous: The discussion about vaccinations has returned because doctors suspect the second diploma case in Poland. In the hospital in Wrocław, doctors are fighting for a six -year -old life who was not vaccinated. Currently, shelter is also suspected of an adult who had contact with the infected child. In Poland, the immunization at the age of 3 is (depending on provinces) from 87 to 95 percent The course of the diphtheria can be different and depends on the bacterial strain that causes it. There are fatal cases. Especially in the case of the so -called Diplars of the larynx, where in the first days of the disease, with scanty general symptoms, the patient suddenly begins to choke. Ranks are formed on the larynx and vocal cords. In connection with the occurrence of diphtheria in Poland Sanitary inspectorate He initiated an epidemiological investigation and people who had contact with a sick child are sought.
Read also: “Arctic air in Poland. Until when? We have a weather forecast for the first day of spring“.
Sources: press conference of the Chief Sanitary Inspector, IAR, Gazeta.pl“Republic“