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What are some cool pet facts about dogs and cats?

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Cats and dogs are the most fancied domestic animals of all time like how Ripper casino bonuses is a fancied online casino choice. They are considered man’s friends in many cultures globally. Unfortunately, some people with little or no knowledge of these sweet animals treat them harshly. This article will enlighten you on some fun facts about dogs and cats.

1. Dogs are sensitive to time

Did you know that dogs are time conscious? If trained dogs can predict future events like mealtime or regular walk time. So, next time you have a puppy, take them out for a walk at the same time, and if they enjoy it, they will start waiting for you by the door for a day’s walk.

2. Cats’ ears can rotate 180 degrees

Cats can rotate their ears to 180 degrees, enabling them to decern where the sound is coming from. Interesting, the cat can move their ears independently. The position of the also tells how the cat feels. For instance, if they flatten their ears, it could indicate they are scared or sad.

A cat can hear lower and higher frequencies than dogs and humans, helping them detect all kinds of prey, including small ones. Another cat ear fun fact is that kittens are born deaf and blind, but their ears and eyes open after a few weeks.

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3. Dogs’ and cats’ nose prints are unique

Humans are differentiated by their fingerprints because no identical humans have similar fingerprints. Similar, cats, dogs, and other animals can be uniquely identified by their nose prints.

Today, cats and dogs are identified using a microchip implanted, which can malfunction. Maybe we will use painless nose scanners to identify these animals if they are lost in the future.

4. A cat’s whiskers assist them with getting around

Most people adore cats due to their tinny whiskers, but did you know that these whiskers are not vestigial? Though whiskers help to enhance a cat’s face, they are far from mere face enhancers.

Whiskers are a tuned sensory apparatus that helps the cat through important daily tasks. Whiskers help the cat navigate their environment, helping them detect and respond to any changes in their surroundings (AKA kitty radar).

Whiskers are also body balancers using proprioceptors that send messages to the brain concerning the cat’s body position. If you wonder why cats always land on their feet, the answer is on the Whiskers.

5. Dogs are jealous animals

Dogs can get very jealous if they see their owners display affection for other animals. One study published in the journal Psychological Science suggested dogs get jealous when they sense their master is showing attention to a potential rival.

If a dog sees its owner play with other dogs, it will pull harder on the leash or bark as a sign of disapproval. This behavior is similar to what a child would exhibit when they see their mother show attention to other kids.

So, dogs can demonstrate strong positive emotions, such as love towards their owners, and express negative emotions like jealousy when they feel their territory is invaded.

6. Cats have no collarbone

Have you ever wondered why cats are super flexible? It is because they have free-floating collarbones, allowing them to move in ways other animals cannot. Wild cats can spring up to higher heights, squeeze their shoulders and chest through impossible spaces, and change their body position midair to land on their feet in the blink of an eye.

The cat’s free-floating collarbone enables them to twist their bodies more than any other animal species. These lovely creatures are a delight to watch and to be around.

7. Dogs can detect your feeling by smelling

When a dog owner is happy and cheerful, the dog will sense that and mirror similar feelings by waging their tails and jumping to you with two feet, adding to the joyous moment. Similarly, when you feel sad and weighed down, your dog will likely sit by your side, looking with sad eyes to give you moral support.

Science has shown that dogs use their sense of smell to detect their owners’ feelings. Another study by the University of Naples published in New Scientist found that dogs can interpret auditory and visual cues to know their owners feel. They can smell your emotions and adopt these emotions as theirs.

8. Cats have 26 milk teeth and 30 adult teeth

Similar to humans, cats also have two sets of teeth- baby or milk teeth and permanent teeth. Their kittens begin with 26 deciduous teeth from 10 weeks, which permanent adult teeth will replace as the cat grows. By months 6-7, all the 30 adult teeth will have come out, replacing the deciduous teeth.

It is advisable not to clean the cat’s teeth when the milk teeth start to fall, and the permanent adult teeth grow. The cat’s baby teeth often fall off when eating, making it a painless experience for the pet.

9. Dogs keep cool when they sweat through their foot pads

On a hot sunny day, you will likely see your dog pant a lot. They use panting to control their body temperatures. As they pant, moisture from their nasal passages, tongue, and lungs’ inner lining evaporate, providing a cooling effect to the dog.

Additionally, dogs have merocrine glands that function like human sweat glands on their feet. Merocrine sweat glands are found in the dog’s paw pads. During hot weather, the sweat gland activates to cool them down.

Interestingly these sweat glands are located where there is less fur because if they were on the other parts of the body, the sweat would not evaporate, and the dog would not cool down.

Purrfect Ending

Cats and dogs have fascinating facts that draw us closer to them the more. If you own a pet, you could take time to study their unique characteristics to know how to care for them better. Besides feeding your cat or dog, these pets need additional attention, which you can give when you have adequate knowledge.

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