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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Makow Mazowiecki. Police officer from the capital police station arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. The prosecutor charged him

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On Friday, police officers from the traffic department in Maków Mazowiecki detained the driver for inspection. They suspected he might be drunk. According to the district prosecutor in Przasnysz, the driver is an officer of the capital’s police. His blood was drawn for testing. The results are not yet in, but he has already been charged.

RMF FM radio was the first to inform about the arrest of a policeman from the Department for Combating Criminal Terror and Homicides of the KSP. Anna Winnik, the press officer of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Maków Mazowiecki, confirmed in an interview with tvnwarszawa.pl that on Friday in the late afternoon the driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

– The driver’s blood was drawn for testing. At the moment we do not have the results of these studies. The case is being handled by the District Prosecutor’s Office in Przasnysz, reported Winnik.

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Accusation based on “personal evidence sources”

The district prosecutor in Przasnysz, Renata Zadrożna, confirmed that it was an officer of the capital’s command. – The man was charged with driving while intoxicated on the basis of personal evidence, i.e. mainly on the basis of the testimonies of witnesses – explained the prosecutor. She also indicated that the detainee refused to submit to a breathalyzer test. – An expert was called in to determine the possible alcohol content in the body. The results of the opinion will be known in a while – added prosecutor Zadrożna.

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Main photo source: Shutterstock

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