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Six things worth knowing on Friday, May 24, 2024

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Jarosław Kaczyński will appear before the investigative commission on envelope elections. Czech President Petr Pavel injured himself while riding a motorcycle. In turn, President Andrzej Duda and the government are arguing over the issue of the Polish ambassador to NATO. Here are six things to know on Friday, May 24.

1. Kaczyński will testify before the investigative commission on envelope elections

On Wednesday at 10th Sejm investigative committee on elections correspondence will begin the last meeting. The president of Law and Justice will answer questions Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

The head of the commission, Dariusz Joński from the Civic Coalition, pointed out that the testimonies of subsequent witnesses prove Kaczyński's political role in this case. – We are collecting all these opinions so that when we invite Jarosław Kaczyński we can have specific questions for him – Joński noted.

Jaroslaw KaczynskiPaweł Supernak/PAP

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2. Estonia talks about Moscow's provocation

The Russians removed the border buoys on the Narva River placed on the Estonian side. Tallinn believes this was an obvious provocation. At the same time, the services emphasize that they did not respond with force and will seek the return of the buoy through diplomatic channels.

– We did not try to oppose the Russians to avoid escalation. The use of force would mean opening fire from a distance, Egert Belitsev, head of the Police and Border Guard (PPA) of Estonia, said at a press conference.

READ ALSO: “Russian action carried out under cover of darkness.” Estonia talks about Moscow's provocation

3. The Czech president had an accident

President Czech Petr Pavel injured himself while riding a motorcycle at a closed sports facility. According to the president's office, the injuries are not serious, but require observation in hospital.

The Central Military Hospital in Prague did not specify the nature of the injuries or how long the head of state would be hospitalized. The police are not investigating the accident because it occurred at a closed sports facility. The Czech daily Blesk reported that President Pavel suffered a broken rib.

READ ALSO: The Czech president had an accident. He was taken to hospital for observation

4. The National Broadcasting Council suspends the decision regarding TVN Style

The National Broadcasting Council has still not made a decision to extend the license of the TVN Style channel, the largest women's television channel in the country, even though the appropriate application was submitted in July 2023. At the council meeting on May 22, 2024, the vote on granting a license for the next 10 years to TVN SA to broadcast the TVN Style program remained unresolved.

The Management Board of TVN SA issued this on Thursday statement on the activities of the National Broadcasting Council. “The ownership structure of TVN Warner Bros. Discovery does not raise any doubts. This is confirmed by court judgments, numerous legal opinions and decisions of the National Broadcasting Council granting licenses to our group's channels,” it was written. “The failure to extend the license for TVN Style and the statements of the head of the National Broadcasting Council are another unlawful attack on the American investor and the values ​​that unite our countries,” it added.

The case comments the US ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski. “Anything that undermines faith in the predictability of the investment climate in Poland, such as yesterday's statement by the National Broadcasting Council, questioning the legitimacy of an American company conducting business in Poland, undermines our common values, bilateral interests and the rule of law,” he wrote.

5. A sharp dispute ended with the PiS politician leaving the studio

A short circuit in the “Tak jest” program on TVN24. At the beginning of the conversation, there was an argument between Tomasz Trela ​​(Left) and Piotr Kaleta (PIS). – I have to leave the studio because I won't let this thing offend me – Kaleta said to Trela ​​and left. Trela ​​replied that Kaleta was “a boor and a redneck”.

The tension occurred during a conversation about Wednesday's speech by the former director of the Justice Fund Department. Tomasz Mraz said then that the “unreliable way” of organizing and conducting competitions was common, and Zbigniew Ziobro was the “main decision maker” in competition matters.

READ ALSO: Piotr Kaleta left the studio after an argument with Tomasz Trela. “Please don't be rude”

6. Dispute over the ambassador to NATO

The Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee gave a positive opinion on the candidacy of Jacek Najder for the position of ambassador of the Republic of Poland at FOR THIS. Najder was to take up this position for the second time. President Andrzej Duda However, he reported in the afternoon that he will not sign the consent. He stated that he had not been consulted about this and that it was a “violation of the current procedure”.

“Poland must have one foreign policy, not two: governmental and presidential. Polish policy is conducted by the government and we are asking the president to enable us to do so” – said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski. He admitted that he did not understand the president's surprise at Jacek Najder's candidacy for ambassador to NATO and Andrzej Duda's announcement that he would not sign his consent.

Main photo source: Paweł Supernak/PAP

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