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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jarosław Kaczyński wants a referendum. “We will win”

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We will be collecting signatures demanding a new referendum, Jarosław Kaczyński said at the Law and Justice convention in Pułtusk. – We are convinced that we will win it – he added.

On Saturday, a Law and Justice convention was held in Pułtusk, during which the PiS leader outlined the party's plans for the coming months. During his speech, he recalled that during the last parliamentary elections, a referendum was organized, among other things, on admitting migrants to Poland. As he assessed, the referendum was boycotted so that it would be invalid – and “it worked.”

– From September we will be collecting signatures demanding a new referendum. This must be the basis for another demand, because we are convinced that we will win such a referendum, if it takes place. Demands to terminate this (migration) pact, added Kaczyński.


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Jarosław Kaczyński in Pułtusk PAP/Rafał Guz

Kaczyński on the constitution

The PiS leader also said that the party would work on a new program. – It is clear that we must have a new program for the upcoming presidential and subsequent parliamentary elections, because the situation is constantly changing, he said.

As he pointed out, this program must include a draft of constitutional changes. – So that this type of activities, such as those we could observe on television or in the prosecutor's office, would be radically more difficult – added the PiS leader. As he said, at the moment, for example, “the president is the guardian of the constitution, but he has no instruments to really guard this constitution.” – There should also be an institution that would moderate the president, because presidents are different – he said.

Kaczyński said that there must be more changes. – We must realize that today we are operating in a situation of constitutional vacuum. This constitution has been so broken that it is practically no longer valid. And we will have to draw conclusions from this, said the PiS leader.


“It took only six months to lose control over the borders”

The PiS leader assessed that during his party's rule “there was a clear rule – a wall behind the Polish uniform.” – And now there is a rule – with an indictment against the Polish uniform – he said. According to Kaczyński, today the Polish-Belarusian border “is less protected, morale has been effectively lowered and the penetration is greater.” – So-called activists are allowed there, i.e. those who help people cross the border illegally. And this is a complete horror, people who are actually allies of Putin and Lukashenko have passes and decisions are made that they can operate there, Kaczyński said.

He added that “in addition, there is the situation on the western border – Germany is starting to send us immigrants, not necessarily those who came through Poland, and they are doing it in a brazen way.”

READ MORE: PiS is threatening migrants, even though hundreds of thousands of visas were issued under their rule

Main photo source: PAP/Rafał Guz

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