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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We were afraid of the director's steps in the corridor

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The spokesman of the Polish Episcopal Conference announced that Father Marcin Iżycki has been suspended as director of Caritas Polska. However, no details or reasons were given. There is only unofficial information – it may be about mobbing and financial irregularities.

– The head of Caritas Polska should be like Caesar's wife, beyond all suspicion – emphasizes Fr. Prof. Andrzej Kobyliński, philosopher and ethicist from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University. However, suspicions have arisen and the director, Fr. Marcin Iżycki, has been suspended from his duties. – The reaction of Bishop Romuald Kamiński to… reprehensible, to inappropriate behavior – says Fr. Wojciech Lemański, a publicist.

However, there is no official information about what behavior is involved. The Warsaw-Praga diocese, Caritas, and the Polish Episcopal Conference publish scant statements. “Father Marcin Iżycki has been suspended by the chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference from performing the function of director of Caritas Polska. This matter is not related to the activities of Caritas Polska, which operates continuously,” we read.

The Warsaw-Praga diocese was to notify the “competent authorities”.

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Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda became the new chairman of the Polish Episcopal ConferenceKatarzyna Górniak/Fakty TVN

“We were afraid of the director's steps in the corridor”

The director was not suspended for mobbing. One of the injured parties believes that he should have stopped performing his function 7 years ago.

– The case was dealt with by the National Labor Inspectorate – recalls Ignacy Dudkiewicz from the “Kontakt” magazine and author of the book “Pastwisko” about the Polish Church. – It may be true that his current trust has nothing to do with his work at Caritas Polska, but many years of turning a blind eye to harming employees and financial abuses have built his sense of impunity – he points out.

– My friends with whom we were sitting in the room were afraid of the director's footsteps in the corridor. For several people, the experience of working with director Iżycki resulted in serious mental health problems – confesses one of the employees anonymously.

The matter was handled by a church commission. – Despite so many doubts, allegations and accusations, they continued to show trust and thanks to the bishops' decision, the director could continue to perform his function – informs Fr. Andrzej Kobyliński. – While working on the book, I came across an email from the director of one of the church institutions, who admitted: yes, under Father Iżycki there were abuses in Caritas Polska, even numerous ones, and at the same time he has a great talent for raising money – explains Ignacy Dudkiewicz.

People in need in Poland and around the world benefit from the help of Caritas, the dedication of missionaries, volunteers and donations from ordinary people. – It is important to separate Caritas Polska from diocesan Caritas, these are different organizations, independent of each other. Our experience here is related to the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border and here we lacked closer cooperation and greater involvement of Caritas Polska in this topic – emphasizes Jakub Kiersnowski from the Catholic Intelligentsia Club.

We were unable to contact director Iżycki.

Main photo source: Fakty TVN

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