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USA. Joe Biden – Donald Trump debate. War in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, abortion, inflation – topics

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump faced off in the first debate before the fall presidential elections. The current and former White House hosts answered questions about the economy, abortion and international affairs, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, among others. Trump said Putin's terms to end the war were unacceptable, but said he would end the conflict before taking office. – If Russia is not stopped, let's think about what will happen to Poland, to Belarus, to NATO countries – said Biden.

A rebroadcast of the debate with Polish translation will be available on Friday at 9 a.m. on TVN24 BiS.

The Trump-Biden debate took place at 9 p.m. local time – it was 3 a.m. in Poland at that time – and lasted 90 minutes with breaks. It took place without an audience. At the beginning, the candidates did not shake hands.

Never before has a presidential debate been held four months in advance electionsusually debates between candidates for the highest office in USA took place in September and October.

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READ MORE: Biden vs. Trump. What the polls say

Biden: Inflation is a result of economic collapse under Trump

First, the candidates discussed economic issues, including: inflation.

– We have to look at what I have left of President Trump's administration. We had an economy that was collapsing. He mismanaged the pandemic, all he said was that it wasn't that serious, that all he had to do was inject himself with bleach. We had a collapsed economy, there were no jobs. (…) we had to pick it all up – Biden said, responding to a question about increased inflation.

Trump replied that it was introduced under his administration tax breaks contributed to the “best economy in the history of this country.” He added that under Biden, “inflation is killing this country.”

– We are no longer respected as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They no longer respect the United States. We are like a third world nation, Trump said.

Debate between Joe Biden and Donald TrumpPAP/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

Trump: I support exceptions to abortion ban in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape and life-threatening situations

Trump then responded to a question about his hand-picked Supreme Court justices striking down federal abortion rights.

– Some people don't think so, but I am in favor of exceptions in cases of rape, incest and threats to the mother's life. “I think it's important for people to follow their hearts, but it's also important to win elections,” he said.

Asked about the same thing, Biden announced that if he wins the election, he will restore the law. At the same time, he spoke out against abortions in the last months of pregnancy. “We are not for late-term abortions. Period, period, period,” he emphasized.

Trump: I Will End Ukraine Conflict Before I Become President

One of the next topics of debate was the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Trump said Putin's conditions for termination war in Ukraine are unacceptable, he said at the same time that he would bring an end to the conflict before he became president. – No, they are not acceptable. But this is a war that would never have started if we had a leader who was respected, (…). I will bring an end to this war between Putin and Zelensky as president-elect – said Trump. The former president said that the Russian invasion would never have happened if the president was someone Putin respected. He also spoke about the cost of supporting Ukraine, calling President Zelensky “the best salesman in history”.

– He (Biden) gave them 200 billion. It's a lot of money (…) I'm just saying it's money we shouldn't have spent, he said. He also added that America is separated from Europe by an ocean and Europe should bear the main burden of supporting Ukraine.

Biden replied that Trump didn't know what he was talking about and said Putin wanted “all of Ukraine.” He described the Russian leader as a “war criminal” and said that if he manages to occupy Ukraine, he will want to further destabilize Central and Eastern Europe.

– If Russia will not be stopped, let's think what will happen to Poland, z BelarusWith NATO countries – he emphasized.


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