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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Morskie Oko, horse transport. Paulina Hennig-Kloska: issuing new licenses for taxis has been suspended

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Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, said in “#BezKitu” on TVN24 that new licenses for fiacres on the route to Morskie Oko have stopped being issued and that she will soon meet with the director of the Tatra National Park regarding horse transport there. She added that she was waiting for the results of research on the operation of electric buses there.

Paulina Hennig-KloskaMinister of Climate and Environment, representative of Trzecia Droga-Polska 2050 was asked in “#BezKitu” on TVN24 about what will happen with horse transport to Morskie Oko.

– We have stopped issuing new licenses there. We are testing other different bus proposals. I intend to meet with the director (of the Tatra National Park – ed.) soon to go through where we are and make a decision on what to do next. But we are waiting for the results of individual tests – she said.

She clarified her position in a later entry on the X platform. “Today, the park has stopped issuing new licenses for fiaker vans on the route to Morskie Oko, and eventually we will introduce alternative electric transport. Today, tests of electric buses are underway. We are implementing the postulates of the Zakopane compromise,” the minister added.

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In May, representatives of the carters and animal welfare organizations met with Minister Hennig-Kloska. A 12-point agreement was concluded, under which, among other things, the number of people on the cart was reduced from 12 to 10 and tests of the electric bus on the route to Morskie Oko were started.

Horse transport to Morskie Oko

The Ministry became involved in the issue of horse-drawn transport to Morskie Oko after media reports of one of the horses pulling a cart with tourists going down tripping and falling. This happened on May 3.

In mid-June, veterinarian and specialist in equine diseases, Dr. Marek Tischner, informed that out of 275 horses taking tourists to Morskie Oko in the Tatra Mountains, only one was not allowed to work after veterinary examinations, including orthopedic examinations. The rest, according to veterinarians, were in excellent shape. However, according to the Viva! over 90 percent horses should be withdrawn from work on the route to Morskie Oko.

The committee investigating the incident of May 3 raised concerns about the one-hour rest period for horses introduced in June at the upper stop before Morskie Oko, at the request of animal rights activists. According to specialists, this poses a risk of muscle cooling. Veterinarians also noted the excessive fatness of some horses and recommended that drivers introduce a different method of feeding.

Horses on the route to Morskie Oko undergo detailed examinations every year before each summer tourist season. Last year, all 300 horses were allowed to work on this route. The work of horses is strictly regulated by the regulations of the Tatra National Park.

Main image source: Grzegorz Momot/PAP

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