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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Kaczyński asked about his letter to Ziobro. “A specific mental state”

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Jarosław Kaczyński was asked about a letter he allegedly sent to the then Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund. – If the letter was actually sent (…), it was the result of something that happens in every election campaign. Namely, that MPs experience a specific mental state that makes them extremely nervous about what other MPs are doing – he assessed.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” quoted the content of the letter, which Jaroslaw Kaczynski in 2019 he sent to Zbigniew Ziobro. President PIS – according to the content quoted by the daily – he asked for “an immediate ban on Solidarna Polska candidates from using the Justice Fund during the election campaign”. Kaczyński warned that cases of irregularities “may bring disastrous consequences from the point of view of the course of the campaign”.

Read here: Kaczyński wrote to Ziobro regarding the Justice Fund

Kaczynski comments

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At Tuesday's conference, the PiS chairman was asked about this letter and how many voices had reached him about irregularities in the Justice Fund and that he could have reported this matter to the prosecutor's office.

– I would ask you to think a little bit, though. At least about one thing. Where did I send that letter? Who was the person I sent that letter to? I know that Tusk makes these kinds of accusations, but here hatred takes away reason, really. It takes away reason in such a radical, simply mad way – said Kaczyński.

– I don't remember it, nor does Minister Ziobro. However, (Deputy) Minister Romanowski claims that he received such a letter. So I assume that my memory may simply be failing me here – he said.

– However, if this letter was actually sent, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm assuming for a moment that it was the result of something that happens in every election campaign. Namely, that MPs experience a specific mental state that makes them terribly nervous about what other MPs are doing, their election campaigns. Of course, this refers to those who compete in the same district – Kaczyński commented.

Main image source: TVN24

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