They are young. Full of life. They love them, even though everyone is convinced that someone gave them a rape drug while they were partying in the city. X, Y, Z were only scared because someone noticed and helped. Q was left alone, a victim of rape.
Just a few drops. Because a rape drug doesn't have to be a powder. It's becoming less and less common. Injected with a syringe or given “on a straw”, it has no color or smell. It also has no taste, although Z claimed that the drink seemed “a bit bitter” to him. It instantly creates a solution with any liquid, which inhibits brain function a few minutes after drinking. Distraction appears, loss of the ability to realistically assess the situation. Short-term memory and the ability to connect facts are switched off. It's just a matter of time before you lose consciousness. In the worst cases, even death.
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What is the so-called date rape drug? Does the fact that any trace of it disappears from the body within a few hours of administration mean that we are helpless and the criminals who administer it go unpunished?
– The fight is unequal, but not impossible to win – says Dr. Anna Trynda, a chemist from the Forensic Science Center of the University of Warsaw, who has been involved in forensics for over 20 years. For many years, she worked with Europol and Cepol (the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) in the field of liquidation of illegal drug laboratories.