A truck driver heading towards Warsaw lost control of his vehicle on the S8 expressway. He drove into a ditch near Radziejowice. He was transporting alcohol.
The incident occurred on Thursday (September 19) before 11 p.m.
A truck driver was driving on the S8 expressway towards Warsaw. At one point, he lost control of the vehicle.
The truck drove into a ditch tvnwarszawa.pl
He drove into a ditch
Near the height of Radziejowice he drove into a ditch.
Roadside assistance arrived on the scene. The truck was pulled onto the roadway. It was carrying alcohol.
The driver lost control of the vehicle tvnwarszawa.pl
Every year, there are over 20,000 road accidents on Polish roads. In 2023, according to unofficial data, 1,669 people died and 22,944 were injured. A year earlier, the figures were 1,896 and 24,743, respectively.
In 9 out of 10 accidents, the drivers were to blame. Young drivers aged 18-24 had the highest accident rate per 10,000 residents. The cause of nearly 35 percent of the accidents they caused was not adjusting speed to traffic conditions.
After changing the regulations on pedestrian priority at crossings, taking away driving licenses for flagrant speeding and increasing fines, statistics from the last few years show that safety on Polish roads has improved. In 2019, there were 2,909 fatalities
Main image source: tvnwarszawa.pl