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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Addressing the Crisis of Unaffordable and Inadequate Housing in Europe

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Housing is a fundamental human right, yet it remains an elusive dream for millions across Europe. The Eurofound’s recent report ‘Unaffordable and Inadequate Housing in Europe’ illuminates this critical issue, unravelling the complexities and far-reaching implications of the housing crisis.

This article delves into the report’s key findings, analyses the root causes of housing unaffordability and proposes potential solutions to tackle this pressing problem. Eurofound aims to raise awareness and promote positive change in housing policies, ensuring that everyone has access to safe and affordable homes.

Unravelling the Housing Crisis

The Eurofound report ‘Unaffordable and Inadequate Housing in Europe’ provides a comprehensive overview of the housing crisis in Europe. It underscores the increasing difficulties households face in securing affordable and adequate housing, particularly in urban areas. The report emphasises the urgency of addressing this issue to prevent deepening social inequalities and exclusion.

It is essential for policymakers to consider groups in vulnerable situations in all tenures and formulate inclusive social policies. For example, findings show that 46% of private rental market tenants feel at risk of leaving their home in the next three months because they can no longer afford it, and in most countries where over half the population are homeowners without a mortgage, around one quarter are still at risk of poverty. This highlights the need for robust social policies that address not only the financial aspects but also the broader social implications of the housing crisis

The Disproportionate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable populations, including low-income families, young adults, and the elderly, bear the brunt of the housing crisis. With property prices skyrocketing and rental markets becoming increasingly competitive, these groups often struggle to secure safe and suitable housing. This leaves them at risk of homelessness and precarious living conditions.

The Escalating Concern of Homelessness

Homelessness is a tragic consequence of the unaffordable and inadequate housing situation. The report reveals a rise in homelessness across European cities, indicating a need for targeted interventions to provide shelter and support for those without stable housing. Three-quarters of Member States have Housing First initiatives – providing housing for homeless people – but these mostly operate on a small scale

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The Dilemma of Limited Housing Supply and High Demand

One of the key factors contributing to the housing crisis is the limited housing supply in urban areas coupled with high demand. Rapid population growth and urbanisation have placed immense pressure on housing markets, leading to inflated property prices and rental costs. As cities attract more residents seeking better economic prospects, the demand for housing has outpaced supply, making it increasingly challenging for individuals and families to find affordable homes.

The Role of Speculative Investment in the Housing Market

Speculative investment in the housing market exacerbates affordability issues. Real estate investment for the purpose of profit generation rather than providing homes for occupancy drives up property prices, making homeownership increasingly out of reach for many. The emphasis on housing as an investment opportunity rather than a basic need has led to distortions in the housing market, resulting in affordability challenges for those looking to buy or rent properties.

The Shortcomings of Social Housing Policies

Inadequate social housing policies and insufficient investment in affordable housing does nothing to improve the situation. The shortage of social housing options leaves vulnerable populations with limited alternatives, leading to overcrowding and substandard living conditions. In many European countries, the social housing sector has not kept pace with the increasing demand, leaving low-income families and individuals struggling to secure stable and affordable housing.

The Way Forward: Increasing Affordable Housing Supply

Governments must prioritise efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing. This can be achieved through initiatives such as subsidising housing developments, incentivising private developers to include affordable housing units in their projects, and converting underutilised properties into social housing. Additionally, governments can collaborate with community land trusts and non-profit organisations to develop affordable housing projects that cater to the needs of different income groups.

Regulating Property Speculation

Regulating property speculation can help curb the inflation of housing prices. Measures such as imposing taxes on vacant properties and limiting short-term rentals can deter speculative investors, making housing more accessible to those in need. Implementing stricter regulations on foreign property ownership and strengthening anti-speculation laws can also contribute to stabilising the housing market and promoting affordability.

Strengthening Social Housing Initiatives

Investing in robust social housing programmes is vital to ensuring vulnerable populations have access to adequate housing. Governments should allocate funds to expand social housing options, focusing on quality and sustainability. Collaborating with housing associations and non-governmental organisations can enhance the effectiveness of social housing programmes and provide support services to individuals and families in need.

Promoting Inclusive Urban Planning

Inclusive urban planning is essential for creating well-designed and inclusive communities. Planning policies should prioritise mixed-use developments that cater to diverse housing needs, encouraging socio-economic integration. Designating affordable housing zones within cities and implementing inclusionary zoning policies can promote greater diversity in neighbourhoods and help maintain socio-economic balance.


The Eurofound report ‘Unaffordable and Inadequate Housing in Europe’ highlights the urgency of addressing the housing crisis to safeguard the rights and well-being of all citizens. By understanding the root causes and advocating for targeted policy interventions, we can work towards providing affordable and adequate housing for everyone. Promoting housing affordability and adequacy is not only a matter of social justice but also a vital step towards building more inclusive and sustainable communities across Europe.

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