After the death of Barbara Skrzypek, PiS politicians accuse the prosecutor's office and current authorities. They suggest that her death may be associated with an interrogation regarding “two towers”. PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński stated that the violinist “fell victim to the villains”. On Sunday, entries with identical content appeared on the profiles of Law and Justice deputies. “We won't be intimidated” – they thunder.
Barbara Skrzypek, long -time associate of the president PIS Jarosław Kaczyńskidied on Saturday. Confirming this information, Kaczyński suggested that prosecutors were responsible for her death, who interrogated her in the investigation of Srebrna on Wednesday.
Kaczyński's former colleague answered the prosecutor's questions as a witness. The District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw and the prosecutor, interrogating it, Ewa Wrzosek ensure that the interrogation took place in accordance with the highest standards.
“She fell victim to the villains who led to her death”
The PiS president recalled “Mrs. Basia” during a Sunday meeting with the inhabitants of Siedlce. He talked about her “extraordinary skill in the sphere of his profession” – Barbara Skrzypek was an archivist by education – and “a wider sphere of contact with people, organizing all that political formation must organize.”
– She was this kind of genius in her profession. She was a walking order. And not everyone in the party is a walking order, including me. And the fact that this party operated, that there were always full archives, that we had order (…) it was its merit – said Kaczyński.
– I feel sorry for her. I think that many other people also feel sorry for her, because she could be nice, warm, good, and at the same time extremely efficient, extremely hard -working, extremely brave – mentioned the PiS president.
After these words, Kaczyński stated that the violinist “fell victim to the villains who led to her death.” – I want to say it clearly. They are trying to defend themselves today, they are trying to scare today, but we will not be scared – he said.
PiS politicians with one voice. They publish the same statement
The environment of Law and Justice is trying to connect the death of Barbara Skrzypek with her interrogation in the prosecutor's office. On Saturday, entries with identical content appeared on the profiles of many PiS politicians in social media, which indicates a coordinated action.
“The call and many hours of interrogation by the heather neoprokurator was a huge shock and huge stress for Barbara, Barbara herself said, when she was unjustifiedly assisted by a lawyer, but also just after interrogation. The death of Mrs. Barbara Skrzypek is therefore a direct relationship and a direct relationship and with this interrogation and a fantastic of the violinist by the prosecutor's prosecutor, Roman Giertych and people associated with him. We will not be intimidated ” – we read in the entry of PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński, published on platform X on Sunday at 14:30.
Exactly the same statement was posted in social media, including deputies Radosław FogielSebastian Kaleta, Anita Czerwińska or Przemysław Czarnek. The former minister of education copied content with his own commentary. “In this scaring, the Bodnarists are embarrassingly funny. This is probably due to fear resulting from the entire tragic consequences of their actions” (original spelling). The entry was joined by a statement by Barbara Skrzypek's representative.
Gotkiewicz's statement was also published by the head of the PiS club Mariusz Błaszczakparty spokesman Rafał Bochenek and former prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki. “You will not shout the truth, the nic people!” – the former head of government wrote.
Prosecutor Wrzosek announces “decisive” legal steps
Wrzosek stated on Sunday that she would take “decisive and adequate legal steps” towards persons leading to her punishable threats and slander suggesting that Barbara Skrzypek's death is related to interrogating her as a witness. On Saturday, also on the portal X Wrzosek wrote that she was deeply moved with information about the death of Barbara Skrzypek, she assured that “the interrogation of Mrs. Barbara Skrzypek took place on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at the headquarters of the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw while maintaining all high standards of procedural activities.”
Prosecutor's office
The message after the death of the violinist was issued by the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw.
“In connection with the moving information about the death of Barbara Skrzypek, which was questioned as a witness on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 in the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw in connection with the proceedings regarding the so -called 'two towers' case, we would like to inform you that the interrogation lasted about 4 hours, began at 10.00, during the interrogation a break was ordered for a long time.
It was reported that “the attorney of the victim participated in the interrogation conducted by the prosecutor's prosecutor,” and the attorney of the witness was not admitted to the interrogation, because the interest of a witness who was not questioned with the instructions on the entitlements arising from the disposal of Article 183 of the Code of Criminal Procedure “did not require this. This article says that “a witness may evade the answer to the question, if the answer could expose him or the person closest to him to the responsibility for a crime or tax offense” and that “may demand that he be interviewed at the hearing, excluding openness, if the content of the testimony could expose his or the person closest to him.”
“The interrogation took place in a very cultural atmosphere, none of the participants submitted comments, reservations or applications for the correction of the protocol,” it was reported.
It has been added that “combining the death of a witness with the fact of his interrogation and raising a direct relationship between these events will result in the District Prosecutor's Office on the civil law path to protect the good name of the institution and the case of the case.” “We make deep sympathy for the deceased and her loved ones because of the loss” – added at the end.
Source of the main photo: PAP/Przemysław Piątkowski