For some, Izabela Łęcka from “The Doll” has a face Beata Tyszkiewiczfor others Margaret Braunekwho starred in the second adaptation of the famous novel by Bolesław Prus. In the meantime, in some time we will see another actress lending her face to the famous seductress. We wrote that work is underway on a new installment of “The Doll.” According to information from Plotka, the role of Izabela Łęcka, who broke Wokulski's heart, is likely to be played by Michalina Łabacz, Sandra Drzymalska and Sonia Mietielica.. What does the famous lady of Polish cinema think an actress suitable for her former heroine should have? We asked her about it.
Beata Tyszkiewicz on the new film adaptation of “The Doll”. “Not my task”
Beata Tyszkiewicz withdrew from public life some time ago and has not given interviews for a long time, but we managed to contact her. However, the actress did not want to suggest anything to the producers and director of the new “Lalka” about the actress who could play Łęcka. Because she has not been chosen yet, and in Tyszkiewicz's opinion her opinion on the subject does not matter. – Mr. Bartosz, that's not my job. Best regards. – she wrote in a text message to our journalist, and later added: – I am curious about the new adaptation and I will definitely watch it with pleasure – we learned from the first film actress Izabela Łęcka. Photos of potential actresses who could replace Beata Tysziewicz in the famous role can be found in the gallery at the top of the page.
What's up with Beata Tyszkiewicz?
In recent years, information about Beata Tyszkiewicz is mainly provided by her daughter Karolina Wajda. A few months ago, “Newsweek” managed to contact the actress. She admitted then that although she receives professional offers, she does not want to accept them. She spends her time at home, where she relaxes and enjoys life. It is known, however, that she has cut herself off from her old friends. – Lack of professional activity means that there are no more joint projects that are a natural topic for conversation -she told the weekly. And when Jerzy Kamas, who played Stanisław Wokulski in the second film adaptation of “The Doll”, died, she said about him like this: – When I saw them and Małgosia Braunek dancing beautifully in “The Doll”, I kept repeating that if Jerzy had played with me, it would have ended in marriage. I think I would have given in to him… – Beata Tyszkiewicz recalled in “Super Express”. Let us recall that Beata Tyszkiewicz's partner in “The Doll” was Mariusz Dmochowski, who played Wokulski.