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Biden's First Showdown with Trump is Coming: What Can We Expect?

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As of today, there is a tie – the average of recent polls gives both candidates for President of the United States 46 percent support. The state of the game will change after the first debate, when Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face a televised duel on June 27. The debate will take place at CNN's headquarters in Atlanta. How long will the debate last and what will its rules be?

Everything about this debate is already historic even before it takes place. The first Biden-Trump clash will take place in Atlanta at the CNN studio. The clash will last exactly as long as a football match, i.e. 90 minutes, but it will take place without an audience, and the microphones will be automatically turned off after the speaking time has expired.

Never before has a presidential debate been held four months before the election. The stakes in this fight are huge. Joe Biden is looking for an injection of fresh energy for his campaign and will have to prove to Americans in Atlanta that he has the strength for another four years in the Oval Office.

SEE ALSO: Biden vs. Trump: What the Polls Say

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Joe Biden raises the topic of abortionJustyna Zuber/Fakty o Świecie TVN24 BiS

Main topics of the debate

Donald Trump will try to convince Americans that he is not a crazy extremist who is accompanied by chaos at every step. Even before the debate on her case, Hillary Clinton and Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House of Representatives, spoke in the column.

– President Biden is one of the most empathetic leaders we've ever had. He speaks honestly about women's rights, the hardships of working families and the courage of Ukrainians risking their lives for democracy. Mr. Trump can't do that because he only thinks about himself – commented former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

– President Trump is in great shape. “I think it's going to be a big night for him, and I think it's going to be a stark contrast between his vision of America and President Biden's really, really poor record,” says House Speaker Mike Johnson.

The main topics in Atlanta are abortion, defending democracy, inflation, the economy, immigration and crime. In all-American polls, both candidates are neck and neck, but in the key states to win the presidency – in all of them – Donald Trump is leading.

Main photo source: Reuters

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