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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bolivia. Soldiers and armored vehicles in front of the government headquarters. Accusations of a coup d'état

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Armed soldiers gathered in La Paz, where the seats of the government and the president of Bolivia are located. General Juan Jose Zuniga announced the overthrow of the government. – We cannot allow an attempted coup – said the president. The former president also spoke and announced the national mobilization of his supporters to protect democracy.

Bolivian armed forces occupied the central square of La Paz on Wednesday, where the government and presidential offices are located. Bolivia. An armored vehicle entered the presidential palace and soldiers entered, sparking fear of a military coup. Videos shared on social media show that soldiers and armored vehicles are also in Murillo Square.

Soldiers and armored vehicles outside the seat of the Bolivian governmentAP Photo/Juan Karita/EastNews

– The three Chiefs of the Armed Forces have come to express our concern. There will be a new cabinet of ministers, everything will certainly change, but our country can no longer continue like this, General Juan Jose Zuniga told a local TV station.

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In a conversation with reporters, Zuniga turned to the Bolivian authorities. – Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country, stop humiliating our army – he said in full uniform, surrounded by soldiers, emphasizing that the actions taken have public support.

See also: The president of Bolivia sent the army to gas stations

The president calls for mobilization against the coup

Bolivian President Luis Arce said there was an “irregular” deployment of troops in the capital, condemning the action. – We cannot allow an attempted coup – said the president. Arce demanded that the army withdraw soldiers and armored vehicles from Murillo Square.

“We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the coup,” Arce said in a video message to the nation.

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales accused the general of planning a coup and announced a national mobilization of his supporters to support democracy. – We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate people, he said.

Main photo source: AP Photo/Juan Karita/EastNews

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