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Central Communication Port (CPK). What's next for the mega airport? Adrian Furgalski explains

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There are many question marks around the construction of a new, large airport – said Adrian Furgalski, president of the TOR Economic Advisory Team, on TVN24. He also drew attention to the planned new purpose of the capital Chopin Airport. – An airport with drones, unmanned ships, I don't really know who it would be for. This infrastructure is too large for it to be sustainable, he said.

During Wednesday's press conference, the Prime Minister Donald Tusk confirmed that the new government intends to continue the construction of the Central Communication Port. – An airport will be built in Baranów. It will be the most modern airport in Europe, said the head of government.

Read more: What's next for CPK? The government has made a decision >>>

Deadlines for the new airport

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Adrian Furgalski, president of the management board of the TOR Economic Advisory Team, talks on TVN24 about the investment in a mega-airport between Warsaw and Łódź.

The expert pointed out that the government announced the opening of a new airport in 2032. – This is certainly closer to the truth than what they tried to convince us earlier (under the previous government – ed.), i.e. 2028 – he pointed out.

– In Europe, buildings are not built on such dates. I also recommend the resolution of Beata Szydło's government from 2017, which stipulates that the construction will take 7 years – he said.

– So this realism is fine, although it would also mean that there will be no delay, I don't believe in it, for now most investments in Poland are implemented with delays – he noted. According to Furgalski, the real time frame for putting the investment into operation is 2033 – 2035.

– Too many investments are delayed, for example Radom, which is a small investment, but also had a delay. Therefore, 2032 on paper is certainly more realistic than 2028. However, it must be taken into account that there will also be a delay here, he said.

According to Furgalski, other provisions have also been improved in the new project. – I am glad that we are moving away from something that would be unique on a global scale, i.e. the creation of a large underground station where almost all high-speed railways connect. Building such artificial nodes outside agglomerations has not worked anywhere, he said.

He added, however, that he “feels dissatisfied”. – There were a lot of slides, I am also waiting for the document so that I can delve deeper into it – he said.

What about Chopin Airport?

Furgalski drew attention to the planned changes at the capital's Chopin Airport.

– We really need to move commercial flights to the new airport. However, an airport with drones, unmanned ships, I don't really know for whom (it would be – ed.). This is too much infrastructure for this to last. Therefore, it should be partially abolished. However, infrastructure in the form of at least one lane must be in Warsaw for defense reasons, he said.

High-speed railways in PolandPAP/Adam Ziemienowicz

“I would like to know the next steps”

The expert also referred to railway investments. – I asked both the previous and the current government where the European Union money for this was guaranteed. There is no money for now, he pointed out.

– Line 'Y' is growing in terms of millions of passengers who will use this connection and this is a certain first stage – he pointed out.

– I would like to know the next stages: whether we will go from Poznań to Berlin, from Wrocław to Prague, from Katowice to Ostrava. The point is that European Union connected with these high-speed railways, he said.

– This is 100 minutes (travel time to the capital from the largest Polish cities – ed.). Gdańsk is 99 minutes, okay, but as I understand it, we are not talking about the existing infrastructure, because it is impossible to squeeze in such time there, but we are talking about another high-speed line – he said.

– If I remember correctly, 85 minutes to Białystok, I don't know how to squeeze it in either. This would mean that we will modernize the already mostly modernized line again – he added.

Central Communication Port

Central Communication Port is a planned transfer hub between Warsaw and Łódź, which, according to the initial assumptions, was to integrate air, rail and road transport. As part of this project, the construction of an airport is planned 37 km west of Warsaw.

The CPK will also include railway investments: a junction in the immediate vicinity of the airport and connections throughout the country, which would enable travel between Warsaw and the largest Polish cities.

CPK between Warsaw and ŁódźPAP/Maciej Zieliński

The CPK company is 100 percent owned by the State Treasury, is classified as a strategic company from the point of view of the country's interests.

Main photo source: Shutterstock

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