The situation we were dealing with in 2023, when the equipment going to Ukraine could not be unloaded, shows that we should focus, so that safety, also military in ports is assured – said in the studio “Supervisor” Deputy Minister Infrastructure Arkadiusz Marchewka. He announced that the ministry would analyze the possibilities of even the pre -emption of Chinese areas in the port of Gdynia.
How the transhipment from the Cape Ducato ship with the “relevant to state security” equipment took place in July 2023, Maciej Duda and Łukasz Ruciński presented in the reportage “Chinese in the Gdynia port”.
Gdynia is our key port in the Baltic Sea, as well as a strategic NATO node. This is where transports with military equipment for Ukraine and alliance forces. But in the heart of the port there is a Chinese corporation – Hutchison. This company has strengthened its position on the Polish coast for years. An international scandal occurred near two years ago in the port of Gdynia. The opposition of the company controlled by the Chinese was blocked by the transhipment of the American army.
Watch: “Chinese in the Gdynia port” on TVN24 GO.
Maciej Duda, one of the authors of the report, said on Friday on TVN24 that this situation occurred in July 2023. – Cape Ducato, which, as we know, also confirms the officials, has an important charge from the point of view of state security, and there is a need for its rapid discharge – he said.
– At this point, it turns out that part of the quay managed by another company that has been performing services for the American army for years is under renovation and the ship cannot fit, because it also moor. The port gives its area, but this area is insufficient, because a piece of ship, several dozen meters, would put out on a part of the Chinese company. And at this point this Chinese company disagrees. Its Poland does not agree, the headquarters does not agree to make this ship moor – he said.
He added that “the need was so urgent that all methods were tried to communicate with the Chinese.” He said that “the Polish company of this Chinese company, GCT, claims that it could not serve this ship because it did not have adequate insurance.” – He also claims that the ship only loaded military equipment. We know that there was a more complicated situation, it looked a little different than that the company officially claims – said Duda.
Łukasz Ruciński, co -author of the report, said on Saturday on TVN24 that “the Chinese in the Gdynia port have been strengthening their position for about 20 years”. He added that “they found themselves right after Poland entered the European Union.”
– A legal gap was used to take over these areas after a indebted shipyard without control of the Ministry of the Interior at that time, because when we entered the Union, if some other entity outside Europe wanted to take over such key lands in such a key place, he had to have such permission. And here a special company was founded in Luxembourg so that Hutchison could later take over and control these areas in the port – he said.
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure: We will analyze the transaction
Already after the implementation of the report “Chinese in the Gdynia port” Przedsiębiorstwo Inwestycyjny Blackrock announced that it agreed to buy majority shares in ports on the Panama Canal from Hutchison based in Hong Kong. Take over the ports of ports by USA It was one of the main demands of Donald Trump in the election campaign. In addition, Blackrock agreed to buy 80 percent from the Hong National Company. shares in subsidiaries or associated companies from Hutchison, which have or are operators of 43 ports in 23 countries.
Read more: Trump effect. “There will be no Chinese in Gdynia”
On Saturday, in the studio of “Supervisor” after the broadcast of the report, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Arkadiusz Marchewka said that “according to our information, just the element of this transaction is also several dozen ports located all over the world, terminals, speaking directly, and one of these terminals is the terminal in Gdynia.”
He was asked if in this window that is ahead of us, it was possible for Poland to take over the Bulgarian quay in Gdynia.
– There are several legal possibilities that the Minister of Infrastructure is primarily, here is primarily consent to the dominant position or exercising the right of pre -emptive purchase of real estate. The ports are secured in this way that every transaction that is carried out within the port borders, the port's management board always has priority when selling real estate – he added.
Carrot emphasized that “this situation that we dealt with during the previous government in 2023, where the equipment going to Ukraine could not be unloaded, shows that we should focus on that safety, also military in ports, was assured.”
– We will analyze this transaction, because it all depends on who this transaction will be implemented. Will it be a mother between this company, which has several dozen terminals throughout Europe, whether it will be a transaction directly implemented with the company in Gdynia – said the deputy minister.
He added that “there is no doubt that this is a very good chance for us to organize this situation, because today it is a bit on the head.”
– A large terminal in the port is, it can be said, excluded from the supervision of the jurisdiction of the Port Board, i.e. a state -owned company. Each year, the terminal of this type pays really thick money going really in tens of millions of zlotys for being able to operate there, and the reasons that once the company bought shares after the fallen shipyard, became the owner of several dozen hectares at the port and does not pay this lease to the state -owned company, i.e. the port, only pays a few hundred thousand zlotys of real estate, which shows that the rules of the game are very shaken – Carrot.
– So if this transaction (between the USA and CK Hutchison Holdings – note) will allow us to organize this situation, then we will and here I can declare, cooperate with new buyers, with American partners so that this situation can be tidied up and guaranteed primarily the best interest of the Treasury – he declared.
Dr. Konrad Popławski from the Center for Eastern Studies said in the studio “Supervisor” that “from what we know, the regulation bodies of individual countries will also have to express their consent to this transaction, and because it applies to many countries, it applies, among others, 14 terminals in Europe itself, so according to various industry estimates, it may take up to a year.”
Author/author: JS/Kris
Source: Tvn24
Source of the main photo: Tvn24