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Friday, June 28, 2024

Father's Day is a good opportunity to remind you to get checked regularly

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Among many stereotypes, this one is particularly dangerous. It is not true that a real man does not need doctors or tests. He needs it, like anyone who takes care of himself. Father's Day is a great opportunity to remember this.

Fathers have their day, but they also have their responsibilities. Mr. Marek Podgórski knows this, he is also a father and a teacher at the 2nd Romuald Traugutt Secondary School in Częstochowa. Just before the end of the school year, he recorded an online survey among students asking: “What should a father teach his son?”

“Respect for women and how to deal with difficult situations”, “love, how to understand another person, how to love your own mother” – these are just some of the students' answers.

– By the way, how to love yourself, i.e. take care of your own health – adds a urologist from the Department of General, Oncological and Functional Urology of the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital in Warsaw, Professor Piotr Radziszewski.

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“A urologist is every man's friend”

– Today is Father's Day. Let's take care of our parents, let's take care of our fathers. Two things I would like to convey: firstly, every father should make friends with a urologist, because a urologist is every man's friend – says Piotr Radziszewski.

Before visiting a urologist, or even without this opportunity, it is worth having fathers undergo a urine and blood test every year, including a PSA test to detect prostate cancer. At least that much and that much. Thanks to this, they will gain valuable knowledge about their current condition.

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Problems with potency may be an alarm signal

Good condition is necessary for fathers to fight the hardships of everyday life, and there is no shortage of them. The heroes of the exhibition of the Wrocław Hospice for Children know this very well, including Piotr Bartoszewski, the father of Kasia, who is under the care of the hospice.

– Watching how quickly the time I have left runs out. This is the most difficult thing – admitted Kasia's father, Piotr Bartoszewski, when asked what is the biggest challenge for him as a father.

So let's not waste this time. Good health will ensure that we have more of it. Any disease detected early can be controlled and cured.

– Problems with potency? Let's go not only to a urologist, but also to a cardiologist, because it may be a warning signal that something is happening to our heart, and every father wants to live a long time to see his son's career – appealed Piotr Radziszweski. Or daughters. And accompany them as long as possible – also in adult life.

Main photo source: TVN24

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