A villa in Malibu survived the fire: Untouched by the cataclysm and standing amidst a sea of ​​smoldering ruins the villa in Malibu belongs to David Steinera retired Texas waste magnate. A luxury building worth $9 million survived virtually intact – I'm writing British “Daily Mail”. How is this possible?
“Miracle” in Malibu? A three-story property designed to withstand an earthquakei. The villa “has an extremely durable structure, including stone walls, fireproof roof and piles driven deep into the bedrock to withstand wave impacts,” we read. “It's a miracle,” said Steiner, 64, quoted by the New York Post.
“I thought we lost our house”: In an interview with the media, the man admitted that he was shocked when he learned that his property was intact after the smoke cleared. Photos published on social media evoke great emotions. – It looked that nothing could survive this. I thought we had lost our house, admitted the owner real estate.
Toxic smoke warning: Meanwhile, medical services appeal to residents of Los Angelesnot to leave their homes. The reason is that it is floating above the city toxic smoke from fireswhich pass through a California county. The death toll increased to 16 people. Over 180,000 people were forced to evacuate, and the fire destroyed or damaged over 10,000 structures.
See also: Multi-billion losses, big problems with insurance. More in the text entitled “Fires in Los Angeles. Losses run into billions, Americans have one huge problem.”
Sources: DailyMail, New York PostIAR