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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

G7 Summit. Support for Ukraine “as long as necessary”

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The leaders of the G7 countries gathered at the summit in Puglia, southern Italy, declared “solidarity to support Ukraine's fight for freedom and its reconstruction for as long as necessary.” Pope Francis also took part in the meeting and talked with, among others, the leaders of the USA, France and Ukraine.

G7 leaders gathered for a summit in Puglia in the south Italian declared “solidarity to support Ukraine's fight for freedom and its reconstruction for as long as necessary.” These are the words from the 36-page final document of the meeting published on Friday.

“We support Ukraine's right to defend itself and reiterate our commitment to its long-term security,” added the summit participants.

They also announced an increase in production and supplies of equipment to help Ukraine in defense and modernization of its armed forces. They stressed their determination to raise the costs of fighting the war Russia by imposing further sanctions. They warned that they would take further action against entities in China and third countries that materially support the Russian war machine.

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Confirmation of “unity and determination”

In a document published on the website of the Italian Presidency of the Seven, the heads of state and government of Italy, Great Britain, FranceGermany, the USA, Canada, Japan and the European Union, summarizing the deliberations, confirmed “unity and determination to respond to global challenges at a key moment in history” and numerous crises affecting the international community.

Referring to Ukraine, G7 leaders also noted the decision taken at the summit to release EUR 50 billion from profits from frozen Russian assets. The leaders noted that this is a very important signal for Putin. “We are intensifying our joint efforts to disarm and stop financing the Russian arms industry,” they added.

The leaders of the G7 countries met in PugliaPAP/EPA/CIRO FUSCO

G7 leaders on the situation in the Gaza Strip

In the next point, the G7 leaders expressed support for the presented proposal for an agreement that would lead to an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the release of all Israeli hostages and entry into “a path towards peace, leading to a two-state solution.” They also called for a significant increase in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The presidents and heads of government spoke in favor of a strategic partnership with African countries “in the spirit of equality” and assured their efforts to invest in infrastructure and under the Energy for Growth in Africa initiative. In addition, the document includes a declaration on strengthening global food security and climate defense activities.

The commitment of G7 leaders to gender equality was also recorded. Together with international financial institutions, they decided to allocate at least USD 20 billion over three years to empower women. World leaders announced cooperation on the issue of migration, the related challenges and opportunities. G7 leaders also called for an Olympic truce in connection with the upcoming Games in Paris. “We call on all countries to respect it individually and collectively,” they added.

Conversations with the participation of Pope Francis

He also took part in the G7 meeting Pope Francis. In the Borgo Egnazia resort, the Pope gave a speech on artificial intelligence and its impact on the future of humanity.

During his visit to the meeting place of the seven, Francis met first with the Director General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, then with Zelensky, Macron and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.

President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Pope Francis during the G7 summitPAP/EPA/UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT

Then, in the second round of bilateral meetings, the Pope's interlocutors were: the President of Kenya, William Samoei Ruto, and the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modipresident of the United States Joe Biden and the presidents of Brazil, Turkey and Algeria, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abd al-Majid Tabbun. President Macron wrote on Platform X after his meeting with the Pope about their shared commitment to a “more solidary world” and creating conditions for lasting peace. Prime Minister Modi emphasized in a tweet after the conversation that he admired Francis' dedication to “serve people and make our planet a better place.” “I also invited him to India,” added the head of government.

Main photo source: PAP/EPA/CIRO FUSCO

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