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Monday, June 24, 2024

Gilowice. Police blockade and warning shots

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It started with a failed shoplifting and ended with a police blockade and warning shots. The police are investigating the circumstances of this incident.

On Friday, around 7 p.m., in one of the stores in Czernichów, a man tried to steal a shelf containing e-cigarettes.

“Thanks to the saleswoman's decisive attitude, he did not succeed and fled the place. When the police from the police station in Gilowice learned about the case, they immediately took action and started looking for the perpetrator. They found that he was driving a Seat,” the Silesian police inform. “On Saturday, continuing these activities, they went to one of the gas stations in Czernichów. While they were there, the saleswoman told them that a moment earlier a man had filled up the fuel and left the place without paying. The description of the car she gave matched the one used by the perpetrator. attempted shoplifting.

The 30-year-old did not intend to stop, but changed his mind when shots were firedSilesian police

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SEE: The driver wanted to escape from control. It turned out that the policewoman runs marathons.

The police noticed the car they were looking for

Information about this was sent to all patrols, and after a while the district officers from Gilowice saw a Seat that matched the description. They gave the driver a signal to stop, but he ignored it and started running away. The police gave chase. A patrol from the Żywiec traffic police in the area, aware of the situation, blocked the road with a police car.

The police are investigating all the circumstances of this incidentSilesian police

Warning shots were fired

“The driver ignored it and continued to drive at high speed towards the police car and the policeman stopping it. Due to the threat to the policeman's life and health, he fired warning shots,” the statement added.

Only then did the driver stop. The police detained a 30-year-old man who, as it turned out, had a driving ban and had committed theft and burglaries in the past.

The passenger escaped. However, the police know his identity.

The chase ended with warning shots and the driver's arrestSilesian police

Main photo source: Silesian police

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