According to the IBRiS poll for “Rz”, negative attitude to the resolution adopted by the Council of Ministers declares 51.9 percent askedwith 30.7 percent rated it as definitely bad, and 21.2 percent rather bad.
On the other hand 22.5 percent take a positive position on this matter. respondentsamong which 7.2% choose the “definitely good” option. and “rather well” – 15.3 percent. 25,6 proc. respondents have no opinion on this subject.
Binyamin Netanyahu will not be arrested in Poland. Poles spoke up
What may worry the government among the study participants who in October 2023 voted for Civic Coalitiongives a negative assessment to the government 63 percent respondents (the option “definitely bad” was chosen by 36%, and “rather bad” – 29%). Meanwhile, only 20 percent are on the other side of the dispute. respondents, and 16% have no opinion.
As for voters Law and Justiceresolution of the Council of Ministers 29% have a very bad opinion. of them, and 25 percent chooses the answer “rather bad”.
There are also more critics than people expressing approval among the electorates of other parties, with New Left this is the most because 78 percent votersaw Confederation 77 percent voters. Voters are the most divided Third Way (45% of negative responses vs. 31% of positive responses).
Netanyahu prosecuted by the Criminal Court in The Hague. The Polish government adopted a resolution
We will celebrate on January 27th 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi Auschwitz camp and International Day of Remembrance for the Victims The Holocaust. In connection with this event, the president Andrzej Duda asked the government to allow the Prime Minister of Israel to take part in the celebrations Binyamin Netanyahuif only he expresses his willingness to come to Polish.
The Prime Minister responded to the letter on this matter Donald Tuskwho informed that the Council of Ministers had adopted an appropriate resolution stating that the government “will ensure free and safe access to and participation in these celebrations the highest representatives of the state Israel“.
The case caused a great stir because Poland is a signatory to the Rome Statute of 1998. Pursuant to it, the International Criminal Court in The Hague was established, which issued a judgment in November arrest warrant for Netanyahu in connection with Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip.
– If anyone thinks that the Prime Minister of Israel could have been detained here, he is an idiot – an MP from the Civic Coalition explained to Polsat News Mariusz Witczak.
However, many experts claim that the situation is similar should never have happened.
“Resolution of the Council of Ministers and statements of the highest representatives of the executive power (…) undermines citizens' trust in the rule of law in Poland“- said the Polish Bar Council in a statement
The study was conducted on January 10-11 on a representative group of Poles (1,068 people; the study was carried out using the telephone method of standardized computer-assisted questionnaire interviews – CATI).